Posts Tagged ‘prayer’

Getting A Glimpse Of Heaven

Update from the Editor: Memories from Heaven: Children’s Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth is now available in Hardcover from

Many of my fans, friends, and family members have now responded to my  Facebook post about children’s amazing ability to remember their time before birth. It began with a conversation I had with my personal assistant here on Maui, Dee Garnes. Nineteenth century British poet, William Wordsworth, expressed the idea that we gradually lose our intimate knowledge of heaven as we grow up. In his poem “Intimations of Immortality,” he says that “our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting” of our previous heavenly existence. “Trailing clouds of glory do we come/From God who is our home:/Heaven lies about us in our infancy,” says Wordsworth.

Dee and I talked about how the ones who know the most about God are those who have just recently been wrapped in the arms of the Divine, our infants and toddlers. Here is what Dee sent me regarding a conversation she had with her young son Marcus, a little boy I Continue Reading