Posts Tagged ‘opinions’

Manifesting 101: Mastering the Art of Getting What You Want

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote extensively on the art of manifesting, exclusively dedicating several of his books to the power of intention and learning how to manifest the life of your dreams. Manifest Your Destiny and Wishes Fulfilled were just two of his most well-known titles on the subject of co-creating.


There is a level of awareness available to you that you are probably unfamiliar with. It extends upwards and transcends the ordinary level of consciousness that you’re most accustomed to.

At this higher plane of existence, which you can access at will, the fulfillment of wishes is not only probable — it’s guaranteed.

At this level, your wishes — all of them — can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be. Continue Reading

You Can’t Please All the People

“Isn’t it hard to follow the Tao and try to be independent of the good opinion of others?” people ask. Actually, it’s much harder to struggle with either seeking approval or trying to shake off disapproval. If everything you do must be measured against the good opinion of everyone else, what happens to your good opinion of yourself? Who’s looking out for the soul that is your connection to the Divine? You have to decide what your passion, your bliss, is calling you to do. When you’re following that call, your feelings of joy, contentment, and peace will be strong enough to keep you from worrying about pleasing all the people all the time—as if that is even possible. For example, after a seminar not long ago, I received a letter from an audience member who told me the workshop “did not live up to her expectations.” An audience of a thousand people will probably have a thousand different sets of expectations. How could I possibly meet completely all of those varied and intimate and unique sets of expectations? I have to dance to the music I hear and I invite you to do the same. Honor the Divine within you by going to a quiet place this week and tuning in to the sacred melody.


