Posts Tagged ‘reincarnation’

Could We Reincarnate with the Same Family?

Could We Reincarnate with the Same Family?Editor’s Note: This heartwarming story about reincarnation gives us goosebumps. Wayne was a firm believer that we are eternal beings having a temporary human experience, and he believed that children “come into this world in a state of perfection. […] Before they have been exposed to all of the lesson that focus on their limitations, they are a grand source of wisdom and inspiration.” Wayne included this grandmother’s amazing story — and many others like it — of a young child having very specific memories of having lived a previous lifetime as someone in their current family, in his new book, Memories of Heaven. Get it here.


I am, among other things, the mother of three children — two daughters and one son. I grew up in a strict Christian religion in southwest Virginia and went on to be a hippie chick, so the belief in reincarnation was not something I had even heard about. Continue Reading

5 Astounding Recollections Of Heaven From Children

Editor’s Note: We are all deeply saddened by the passing of Dr.Wayne Dyer on August 30th, 2015. Below is an excerpt from Wayne’s most recent book, Memories of Heaven, which illustrates perfectly his belief in far more than just this earthly experience.

I have enjoyed a lifetime love affair with children, particularly newborns, infants, and toddlers. If a baby is in the room, it’s almost as if there is a magnetic connection that draws my attention and I must make contact. Being the father of eight children, I have spent countless hours simply gazing into the eyes of a brand-new arrival into our family. In these private moments, I often send silent inquisitive messages asking them to tell me about God and what the formless spiritual world is like. I have passed many, many hours of my life lying on the floor making direct contact with our new arrivals. I’ve long been fascinated by the fact that children just show up here with personality traits. I love to ask little toddlers who are only beginning to communicate with language to tell me what they remember.

I have asked adults from all walks of life to share the wisdom of their little ones, and I have included many of my own experiences with my children’s recollections in my new book, Memories of Heaven. I am more than convinced that there is much more to our lives than the few short years we are allotted here on Earth. Continue Reading