Posts Tagged ‘midlife’

It’s About Joe

I hope everyone has a chance to see The Shift , my new movie from Hay House.

It’s about the shift that happens in every life when we realize that we want to be something more. That’s be something in the spiritual sense when we examine ourselves to see if we are realizing our potential, singing our song, giving the world what we came here to contribute. It’s when we begin looking for opportunities to help, to serve, and to create. My favorite character in the movie is a guy named Joe. He’s a quiet, in-the-background sort of guy, but as the movie progresses you realize that he has been around quite a bit, interacting with all the major characters. Watch for him—reaching out, serving, caring, noticing the little things. You assume he must be the handyman, the gardener, the room service attendant.

Eventually, you learn more about him and find yourself amazed at how little you noticed his presence, but how important his presence is to the experience of the movie. He’s one who has made the shift and through his loving service, his happiness, he helps others move in the direction they are called to go.

Look for Joe in the movie—and in the world around you—he’s there.


