An excerpt concerning life balance published with permission from the beautiful, newly reprinted Being in Balance, Hay House, Inc. (2016)
The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird sleeps in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities…” — James Allen
One of the huge imbalances in life is the disparity between your daily existence, with its routines and habits, and the dream you have deep within yourself of some extraordinarily satisfying way of living.
In the quote that opens this [article], James Allen poetically explains that the dream is the magical realm out of which newly created life emerges. Buried within you is an unlimited capacity for creation, what Allen calls “a waking angel” that’s anxious to plant seedlings to fulfill your dreams and your destiny.
True imagination is not fanciful daydreaming, it is fire from heaven.” — Ernest Holmes
I simply couldn’t resist adding the Ernest Holmes quote describing this dynamic imagination as “fire from heaven.”
They’re both appropriate invitations and reminders that Continue Reading
Nourish your mind, body and spirit every Sunday on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network. Each week from 8-11 a.m. ET/PT, Oprah Winfrey presents a special three-hour block of programming called “Super Soul Sunday,” designed to help viewers awaken their best selves and discover a deeper connection to the world around them.
Exploring topics including spirituality, the afterlife, alternative health, happiness and personal fulfillment, “Super Soul Sunday” will present fresh and thoughtful insights into what it means to truly live your best life.
This Sunday, November 27th, 2011, leading spiritual teachers share their greatest lessons in a “Super Soul Marathon” of compelling interviews with Oprah Winfrey. First, Wayne Dyer reveals powerful insights from Lao Tzu’s Tao te Ching. Dyer encourages spiritual seekers along their life’s journey, teaching the principles of peace, gratitude, and contentment. Click HERE for more information about “Super Soul Sunday” on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network.
A caller to my radio show told me the following story: she had survived a terrible earthquake in her native country, lost her husband in that quake, emigrated to the U.S. with her surviving child, and worked to put that child through college. Now she was trying to follow her dream of establishing a charitable organization to help disaster victims, but she was becoming discouraged because her vision wasn’t materializing as quickly as she’d hoped.
Could someone who had come so far through so much really afford to be discouraged?
I told her in no uncertain terms to hang on to her dream. Be willing to hold the vision!
All of us are here for a purpose; when you find that purpose, hold the vision regardless of what difficulties or obstacles may surface. Holding the vision involves an unwillingness to compromise what you’re visualizing. It means being willing to face setbacks and what appears to be an uncooperative universe. Continue Reading
“There should be less talk….Take a broom and clean someone’s house. That says enough.”
–Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa, the diminutive spiritual giant who worked daily in the streets of Calcutta, seeing “Jesus Christ in all of his distressing disguises,” as she put it, offers us some profound wisdom in her briefly spoken advice. “There should be less talk,” there should be more action on your part. The old aphorism, “I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand,” applies not only to what you want to learn, but also to how you wish to be treated. Behavior is the most effective way to communicate with others. When you find yourself embroiled in the futility of words, stop and remind yourself of the great wisdom of Mother Teresa’s suggestion. Ask yourself, “What can I do here?” By all means, talk it out, but eventually you must take the broom and clean the house of another if you are truly going to be of help. Your words, while important, risk being forgotten if they are not followed by action.
People of action, those who make a difference in life, those whom we most admire, all seem to know the truth of the ancient wisdom, “What you do speaks so loud, I can’t hear what you say.” Be a doer. And in the process you will do more to teach others and to bring fulfillment into your own life than all the words in the dictionary could ever convey.