How I Discovered the Wisdom of the Tao

Dr. Wayne Dyer has always believed in following your passionate life purpose. He himself took a big chance to find his life purpose when he left his tenured teaching position at St. John’s University in New York to spend his time pitching his first book—Your Erroneous Zones. Here’s the story of that risky move as he explains it in his memoir, I Can See Clearly Now:
On a joint conference call with my agent, Artie Pine, and my editor, Paul Fargis, I am told that there are two pieces of news that are going to blow me away. Continue Reading
Consider that all human beings have within them the same essence of consciousness, and that the process of creativity and genius are attributes of human consciousness. Therefore, genius is a potential that lives within you and every other human being. Many people never get acquainted with this inner world of their personal genius. I’d like you to consider what may seem like a radical idea: Genius can show up in as many ways as there are Continue Reading
James Twyman, the author of The Moses Code, asked sound-healing expert Jonathan Goldman to research and create tuning forks that encode the holy name of God—and then reproduce these sound frequencies in a meditation program. Jonathan used a system called gematria (derived from the ancient Kabbalah tradition of assigning specific numbers to words) to find the sounds that correspond to the words—I am that I am. These were the words that God spoke when Moses asked for God’s name in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. The sounds Jonathan discovered make up the Moses Code frequency meditation that has become the heart of my meditation practice today.
Meditation is a vital practice to access conscious contact with your highest self. When I use the Moses Code frequency meditation, Continue Reading
One of my most memorable moments as a doctoral student in the 1960s occurred during a seminar in an advanced course on counseling psychology, taught by the most prestigious professor at the university. I, along with 11 others, studied the research and conclusions on self-actualization, including the specific characteristics of highly functioning people. These exceptional people, some of them historical figures, were called self-actualizers. The purpose of this advanced seminar was to teach us how to identify these traits and to help others embrace them to live fuller and more deeply passionate lives.
The traits of these self-actualizers included appreciation for beauty, sense of purpose, resistance to enculturation, welcoming the unknown, high enthusiasm, inner-directedness, detachment from outcome, independence of the good opinion of others, and absence of a compelling need to exert control over others. Each week we discussed the strategies we could employ as therapists to encourage clients to become self-actualized. At the halfway point of the semester, our distinguished professor gave the midterm examination, which consisted of only the following question: Continue Reading
When I was 10 years old, my mother remarried and she was able to reunite our family for the first time since I was a baby. My slightly older brother Dave and I had lived in foster homes together all those years. There we were at last, all under the same roof again, my wonderful mother, my not-so-wonderful alcoholic stepfather, my oldest brother, Jim, whom I barely knew, Dave and me. We lived in a tiny duplex that year that I entered the 4th grade at Chester Arthur School. My teacher Mrs. Engel had a rule that if the class was quiet and well-behaved, she would read aloud to us from 2:45 until 3:10 when it was time to go home. I took it upon myself to be the classroom enforcer and keep the other kids in line because I really wanted to hear that story. (Here’s where I first learned that I could influence people when coming from a positive place.)
Mrs. Engel was reading to us from The Secret Garden. Does anyone remember that classic children’s book? It was written by British author Frances Hodgson Burnett and first published in 1911. I loved being read to and I really loved this story about Continue Reading
In the fall of 2011, I had the great privilege of filming my ninth fundraising special for PBS. The show will arrive this month on your local public television station is available to stream online, and I hope you’ll join me for an in-depth look at “Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting.” Not only will you see me wearing those new shoes I mentioned here in December, but you’ll meet Anita Moorjani, the incredible young woman whose story of her near-death experience will turn your world around.
Anita’s story, beautifully told in her new book Dying to Be Me, has taught me what death really means, and just how much lies beyond our sensory reality. I’ve been sharing Anita’s story with just about everyone who’ll listen since I first discovered it. One person I was most eager to share it with is my 95-year-old mother. And it’s been a wonderful source of comfort to a lady who has breakfast every morning with friends who might not still be around by dinner time. As Jesus said, “Be at peace.” We can trust that we come from God. Our reality is divine. Continue Reading
The Wisdom of Wayne Dyer
After more than 30 years of teaching and inspiring millions, Dr. Wayne Dyer continues to share his vision in service to others – changing lives one person at a time
By Tammy Mastroberte
If you ask a person who is passionate about spiritual and self-improvement topics to name some of their favorite authors, odds are the name Dr. Wayne Dyer would fall near the top of the list. Many discovered him on a public broadcasting station (PBS) while flipping through the television channels, while others may have found themselves attracted to his work during one of his many television or radio show interviews.
However, no matter how they came across the work of Dr. Wayne Dyer, the result is always the same — people’s lives are changed for the better.
“The favorite part of my work, and it happens every day, is encountering people whose lives have been turned around because of the work that I’ve done,” Dyer tells me during our interview in October. “Just knowing that you’re making a difference in the lives of other people is the most gracious, fun-filled, love experience that you can have.”
For more than 30 years, Dyer has inspired and elevated the consciousness of millions all over the world, Continue Reading
In preparation for taping a special for PBS based on my new book, I had to buy shoes. Of course, I argued a good case for going barefoot or wearing my customary sandals, but I was finally persuaded by the good people in charge of the show that I really needed the generally accepted footwear this time. While complaining that my feet, like my soul, prefer freedom, off I went to the nearest shoe store in downtown San Diego. I should have known that the Universe had something in mind.
On the way back to my hotel, I saw a ragged and bedraggled man stumbling across the street. Clearly, he needed help reaching the other side safely so I went out and steered him out of traffic. He told me he was homeless and hungry. Luckily, there was a diner close by. The staff of this place recognized my new friend, Ken, and told me they had had “trouble” with him in the past. I asked our server to consider that the same God who was present in her was also present in Ken, and all of us. Ken got the meal of his choice and we talked. As Mother Teresa said: “Each day I see Jesus Christ in all his distressing disguises.” The Divine is present in everyone. Talking to Ken, I hoped he would come to see himself as God sees him. When he smiled, Ken looked a lot like you and me.
I wouldn’t have had a chance to meet Ken, if I hadn’t needed those shoes. My feet do love freedom, but even more they love walking toward the opportunities our Divine Source sends us to love one another. As the spiritual says, “All God’s children got shoes.” We’ll all get shoes someday…and our souls will soar to freedom.
A caller to my radio show told me the following story: she had survived a terrible earthquake in her native country, lost her husband in that quake, emigrated to the U.S. with her surviving child, and worked to put that child through college. Now she was trying to follow her dream of establishing a charitable organization to help disaster victims, but she was becoming discouraged because her vision wasn’t materializing as quickly as she’d hoped.
Could someone who had come so far through so much really afford to be discouraged?
I told her in no uncertain terms to hang on to her dream. Be willing to hold the vision!
All of us are here for a purpose; when you find that purpose, hold the vision regardless of what difficulties or obstacles may surface. Holding the vision involves an unwillingness to compromise what you’re visualizing. It means being willing to face setbacks and what appears to be an uncooperative universe. Continue Reading
In my movie The Shift, I talk with the film crew about “quantum moments” and the changes that people undergo after having one of these awakenings of spirit. Thousands of people have reported experiencing these moments and describe the following shift which occurred in their awareness of life. They talk about having made the move from an ego-driven life perspective to a spiritually balanced one and feel that they have become more authentic beings.
Two research psychologists from the University of New Mexico, Dr. William Miller and Dr. Janet C’de Baca were intrigued by such stories of sudden and unexpected personal transformation. For their book, Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives, Miller and C’de Baca collected stories of people who reported having “quantum moments” and studied the experience of “quantum change” through the lens of scientific psychology. They describe quantum change as “a vivid, surprising, benevolent, and enduring personal transformation.” These quantum moments that turn life upside down are characterized by these four qualities; that is, they are vivid, surprising, benevolent, and enduring. They are intense enough for us to notice every detail and to remember them forever. They are surprising—unexpected, uninvited, and unforeseen. Continue Reading