Grab That Broom
“There should be less talk….Take a broom and clean someone’s house. That says enough.”
–Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa, the diminutive spiritual giant who worked daily in the streets of Calcutta, seeing “Jesus Christ in all of his distressing disguises,” as she put it, offers us some profound wisdom in her briefly spoken advice. “There should be less talk,” there should be more action on your part. The old aphorism, “I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand,” applies not only to what you want to learn, but also to how you wish to be treated. Behavior is the most effective way to communicate with others. When you find yourself embroiled in the futility of words, stop and remind yourself of the great wisdom of Mother Teresa’s suggestion. Ask yourself, “What can I do here?” By all means, talk it out, but eventually you must take the broom and clean the house of another if you are truly going to be of help. Your words, while important, risk being forgotten if they are not followed by action.
People of action, those who make a difference in life, those whom we most admire, all seem to know the truth of the ancient wisdom, “What you do speaks so loud, I can’t hear what you say.” Be a doer. And in the process you will do more to teach others and to bring fulfillment into your own life than all the words in the dictionary could ever convey.
Topics: Fulfillment, Helping Others, Mother Teresa
The other thing I’ve learned to stop being so selfish, to let the other guy “go” we really don’t gain a second or a minute! we all have only 24/7 and if we rush we only make it worse… to me now the weekend is my week and the week is my weekend…
As I read the above comments I also get inspired…We just need to roll up our sleeves and get busy…When I have a long line to wait rather than get critical I pull out my soduko game and start doing that then the line moves so fast! And it just changes the vibration in the air!
I’ve learned that wisdom is distributed differently, all the people I meet have bits and pieces we are like a huge puzzle and therefore we need one another to complete the picture in our lives…
We have all the spiritual “tools” we need we need to help others. I took a bowl of cooked eggplant to a sick friend. We did The Energy Excercises. She was going to loan me some $ but when I was about to leave my spouse called and said we had just received our check! We put faith in our spiritual accounts when we help others.
This message seems to be speaking to me. I seem to have been stuck for so long, it really is time to start “doing” instead of worrying about what may never happen. I love listening to Dr Dyer on Hay House Radio, I really must try one of his books, he seems so wise.
Can anyone help me see Wayne in AZ? My girl freind introduced me to his material and it has TOTALY CHANGED MY LIFE! So make it help for two. Thanx, its in the universe now and I KNOW I will meet him.
Always between right and kindness. Kindly choose. And everything is empty of its
These are the exact words I needed to hear. It dosnt matter if you work for $8.50 or $850.00 if you work for God you work for a higher order to a higher standard. We always have the broom in our hands. Our only choice is to sweep the dirt of life into piles and onto people or off the people in piles to the trash away from us all.
Thank you so much Dr. Dyer!!! Really a great reminder!! Now I have to go, I have something to do…….
your words won’t be forgotten. thanks (as always)
you express your intention by your action. You affect the others in a good way, by your wisdom Thought that follows by your rational speach, and then your constructive action.
Actions always speaks louder than words …. leadership through example is another thing Mother Teresa would say….
In gratitude,
This reminds me of a poem by Edgar Guest: I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day. I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way. The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear. Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear. . .
Just do it! Enough said
Wonderful Article! Very thought provoking. My mother always said…watch what people do not what they say!
That is such wonderful advice Dr. Dyer. I think I will share this column with my readers. Thank you.
Saint Francis of Assisi said it well in the 13th century: “Preach the gospel always; if necessary, use words.” Our actions should show the foundation of our lives more than our words. If we are connected to our Source, we are loving the unlovable, kind to the unkind, grateful for everything even adversity; we have serenity and peace. Namaste!
Thank you very much Dr.Dyer.
You Inspire me. If I write books, it is in part because I listened to you, now I am going to self publish my first book and I am grateful with you because of your inspiration. I hope this action I am taking would help others as well. I trust in my Source and I know it is for good
God Bless You!
Help me understand how to implement these two concepts: action and non-interference. Thank you! Love your work, Dr. Dyer! Namaste.
Great article, it apply also for our thoughts
We most have a mental broom to clean our daily thinking
i love sweeping… and now with intention…. sweep that house with gusto!