Posts Tagged ‘Spirit’

Getting A Glimpse Of Heaven

Update from the Editor: Memories from Heaven: Children’s Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth is now available in Hardcover from

Many of my fans, friends, and family members have now responded to my  Facebook post about children’s amazing ability to remember their time before birth. It began with a conversation I had with my personal assistant here on Maui, Dee Garnes. Nineteenth century British poet, William Wordsworth, expressed the idea that we gradually lose our intimate knowledge of heaven as we grow up. In his poem “Intimations of Immortality,” he says that “our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting” of our previous heavenly existence. “Trailing clouds of glory do we come/From God who is our home:/Heaven lies about us in our infancy,” says Wordsworth.

Dee and I talked about how the ones who know the most about God are those who have just recently been wrapped in the arms of the Divine, our infants and toddlers. Here is what Dee sent me regarding a conversation she had with her young son Marcus, a little boy I Continue Reading

Where Do You Live?

This has been called the age of information. There’s no shortage of information; in fact, there may be way too much. When a nominee was named for the Supreme Court, the Judicial Committee was given a list of every single movie that this person had rented for the past 10 years! If we look at this word information, in the very center of it there’s the word form. Form describes the world of the physical, the world of boundaries, the world of beginnings and ends. When we are in the world of form, what we get is information. But let’s shift our attention to another world which is the source of everything physical.

St. Paul said, “That which is seen hath not come from that which doth appear”—the source of everything in the world of form is not from the world of form. It’s from the world of Spirit—the world of the invisible which has no boundaries, no beginnings and no ends. When you are in the world of Spirit, what you get is “inspiration.” What we have in our world today is a spiritual deficit. We don’t have enough emphasis on the importance of being inspired and living in-Spirit.

One of the most important lessons I ever learned comes from the great spiritual teacher Patanjali: “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Imagine that just by moving into the world of inspiration you can activate “dormant forces,”—forces that you thought were dead, that you thought were not available to you—and you can make them work for you when you are inspired. You don’t get tired, you don’t get hungry, you don’t worry about money, and you don’t worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow. You’re moving into the world of God. Being inspired is probably the most important thing you can do. Look at all the things around you and say, “Where did all of this come from?” It all came from the world of Spirit, the world of inspiration. It’s the spirit that gives life.