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Where Do You Live?

This has been called the age of information. There’s no shortage of information; in fact, there may be way too much. When a nominee was named for the Supreme Court, the Judicial Committee was given a list of every single movie that this person had rented for the past 10 years! If we look at this word information, in the very center of it there’s the word form. Form describes the world of the physical, the world of boundaries, the world of beginnings and ends. When we are in the world of form, what we get is information. But let’s shift our attention to another world which is the source of everything physical.

St. Paul said, “That which is seen hath not come from that which doth appear”—the source of everything in the world of form is not from the world of form. It’s from the world of Spirit—the world of the invisible which has no boundaries, no beginnings and no ends. When you are in the world of Spirit, what you get is “inspiration.” What we have in our world today is a spiritual deficit. We don’t have enough emphasis on the importance of being inspired and living in-Spirit.

One of the most important lessons I ever learned comes from the great spiritual teacher Patanjali: “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties, and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Imagine that just by moving into the world of inspiration you can activate “dormant forces,”—forces that you thought were dead, that you thought were not available to you—and you can make them work for you when you are inspired. You don’t get tired, you don’t get hungry, you don’t worry about money, and you don’t worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow. You’re moving into the world of God. Being inspired is probably the most important thing you can do. Look at all the things around you and say, “Where did all of this come from?” It all came from the world of Spirit, the world of inspiration. It’s the spirit that gives life.

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Brigitte says:

Dr. Dyer, you are a great inspiration. I read many of your books and we can fell your inspiration in each of them. They are filled with light. And it gets transmitted to us. I am really thankfull for your great work and everything you have done to help us heal our lives. Thank you very much. Brigitte, Quebec, Canada

Kimberely says:

Love this.

brandon says:

beautiful.. Thank you,
brandon from New Mexico

Viesta says:

Of all the healing Dr Wayne, using the mind, body and spirit, how does one rise above the fatigue and stress of being in daily pain, I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and there are days the pain is so bad that I can not be in touch with a God or a angel or any higher self, do you have directions for a person who is in pain

Dana, from Bucharest, Romania says:

Dear Dr. Dyer,
I’d like to know if location can be an inspiration stopper or enhancer. For some time I’ve had the feeling that I will become all that I am in a certain city, where I also lived for a few years, and that’s not the city I am now living in. What to do with the feeling that people HERE wouldn’t appreciate what I want to accomplish?

Marci says:

At fourteen, I was searching on how to be who I knew I could be in this world. Your books helped me on that journey. I’ve lived a life unlike many others and now as I pursue all my dreams I want to thank you for that early wisdom. Look at what it brought me.

Mucunda says:

wonderful to remember daily .
daily inspiration

Melisa, A Little Garden Flower says:

Three years ago, I was lucky enough to talk to you on the radio. My children were listening in the other room, you spoke to them. At the time I had just finished my first book, nine books later, we are working on our first self help book. I again come in thanks for your inspiration to just keep moving. Peace and Blessings.

Valerie Curcuro says:

Just my opinion but I think people are mistaking information for fuel for inspiration. Information alone can’t fuel our imaginations, to fuel imagination we need to add curiousity, the beginner’s mind that asks questions; what? why? Unless we become as a little child, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven – Jesus, Messiah

Seyed Ahmad says:

Hi my teacher. You have taught me so many great things from 5 years ago up to now. You are a real inspiration and I am really glad to write a comment here and I hope you can read it Dr. Dyer.I really love you my great teacher. I hope some day in the near future I can meet you and share my life’s story with you. God bless you 🙂 Yours , Ahmad

Patrick says:

I’m currently going to college in Louisville and wondered if there is any way you would be speaking in this area in the future? I realize this probably is not the best way to get ahold of you but God bless and thank you for the inspiration!

Patrick says:

Dr. Dyer I have read Change your thoughts, Change you life and love waking up each morning to read it! I have also watched you on Ellen and some other videos on youtube. It would be a dream come true to hear you speak live but i noticed most of your shows are on the west coast.

Mucunda says:

Would someone , tell me a good site about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. . Many thanks

Janet Pfeiffer, The Secret Side of Anger says:

Every book I’ve written or lecture I’ve given has been the result of inspiration. Giving guidance to someone in distress pours from my heart when I allow spirit to express itself through me. Even working through conflict is easy when on is In Spirit. When I get out of my own way and allow God, everything works in perfect harmony.

Mucunda says:

The entire article that this extraordinary human write are really to be read and prentice what he say..

Kyle Beckwermert University of Victoria says:

I think it is time for me to listen.excuses begone hey,
Your my heroe Wayne.

Kyle Beckwermert University of Victoria says:

I come to a place where everythings is working (for 50 min) in my life. And I just sit there sometimes after class…and wonder, why not pursue this? why not live this 50 min for the rest of my life? I get goosebumps everytime I wonder such things.

Kyle Beckwermert University of Victoria says:

As a Psychology major at Uvic, out of all the classes im taking this semester, i can honestly say that i lose all track of time and distractions in my Theatre class, I participate, I laugh, I smile, I want others to feel good, i lose all my worries and fears.

Denise says:

Thank you Dr. Dyer. I am working diligently on this very concept. In my daily prayer, I often affirm that “External realities do not hold my attention. Rather, I firmly but gently keep my attention focused upon my inner, mental world.”

Denise Allen

Caleb says:

Wayne meister! I set aside the good-natured eye roll I usually give your mini-articles (with love!), but this one rocked! I recently watched the last episode of Conan O’Brien and became utterly inspired: and it felt fantastic! I was reminded that inspiration really is the key, and my job is to live it every day. Thanks Wayne!

Patricia says:

Spiritual deficit versus living in-spirit! It makes the big difference in this world, in our family, in ourselves…
I have a great purpose for this year and I can see how my mind is trascending limitations!
Thanks God for your words!


I fear that our materialistic society will have to go through a major disaster (911 or armagadeon) inorder to reconnect with God. Supress the ego. Sad. The world is out of control. Only connecting with the Holy Spirit and serving God by doing good things can our civilization be saved.
God bless you!!

Odilia Carmen says:
