Archive for the ‘Fulfillment’ Category

Are You Embracing Your Inner Genius?

“Until one acknowledges the genius within oneself, one will have great difficulty recognizing it in others.” — Dr. David Hawkins

Consider that all human beings have within them the same essence of consciousness, and that the process of creativity and inner genius are attributes of human consciousness. Therefore, genius is a potential that lives within you and every other human being.

Many people never get acquainted with this inner world of their personal genius. I’d like you to consider what may seem like a radical idea: Genius can show up in as many ways as there are human beings.

With this idea in mind, remember that every person you interact with should feel the inner glow that comes from being appreciated, particularly for the ways in which they express their creativity.

Appreciating the genius in others attracts high levels of competent energy to you. By seeing and celebrating another’s creative genius, you open a channel within yourself for receiving creative energy from your Divine Source.

Speak Your Own Language, Sing Your Own Song

My son, Sands, has a unique way of riding a surfboard unlike everyone around him in the ocean. I encourage him to do what comes naturally and express it with pride.

He also created a unique language for communication, similar to my brother David, which others in the family and close personal acquaintances emulate. Creating a language that others use is the work of a genius! I tell Sands this, and my brother, too, whose unique language I’ve spoken for over half a century.

My daughter Skye has a distinctive one-of-a-kind singing voice that I love. I tell her so, and point out that it’s an expression of her genius.

Do you have any unique talents that are a unique expression of your own language or metaphorical song?

Celebrate & Rejoice in Your Uniqueness

All of my children—and yours as well (including the child within you)—have unparalleled and unique characteristics in many of the ways they express themselves.

From the way that they dress, to the little tattoo, to their signature, to their mannerisms, to their unmatched personality quirks, you can appreciate their genius.

Notice and appreciate your genius, too. When you’re just like everybody else, you’ve nothing to offer other than your conformity.

Genius can show up in as many ways as there are human beings.— Dr. Wayne Dyer

Do you feel different from others? Notice whether you celebrate your differences or try to hide your differences. Your differences are a natural expression of your own creative genius, so I encourage you to share them with pride.

Know That We are All Connected

Take the road of seeing the face of God in everyone you encounter. Look for something to appreciate in others, and be willing to communicate it to them and anyone who’s willing to listen.

When you see this quality in others, you’ll soon begin to realize that this potential is available to all of humanity. This obviously includes you. Recognizing your inner genius is an integral part of the dynamic.

As Dr. David Hawkins tells us in Power vs. Force:  “Until one acknowledges the genius within oneself, one will have great difficulty recognizing it in others.”


Dr. Wayne Dyer has written over 20 bestsellers on many spiritual topics, including making the shift to connect to Source, keeping the balance in your life, and bringing about your desires with the power of intention.

Passion Is Your Power

Here’s a concept you won’t want to forget: passion always trumps excuses. Keep in mind that when I use the word passion, I’m not referring to the romantic notions that this concept conjures. Instead, I’m equating it to a vigorous kind of enthusiasm that you feel deep within you and that isn’t easy to explain or define. This kind of passion propels you in a direction that seems motivated by a force beyond your control. It’s the inner excitement of being on the right path, doing what feels good to you, and what you know you were meant to do.

It’s my contention that the mere presence of passion within you is all you need to fulfill your dreams. Remember that God is in no need of excuses, ever. The creative Divine Spirit is able to manifest anything it contemplates, and you and I are the results of its contemplating itself into material form. Thus, when we have an emotional reaction that feels like overwhelming passion for what we’re contemplating, we’re experiencing the God within us…and nothing can hold us back.

Passion is a feeling that tells you: This is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.

When you’re enthusiastic, nothing seems difficult. When you have passion, there are no risks: family dramas become meaningless, money isn’t an issue, you know that you Continue Reading

Authentic Self Seeks Meaning

What’s the difference between our authentic self and the false self created by ego? Authentic self wonders: How may I serve? Ego’s attitude, on the other hand, is: Gimme, gimme, gimme—I need more, and I can never be satisfied. When we align with ego’s voice, the universe provides experiences that match the Gimme, gimme, gimme energy. It may not seem obvious at first, but if we pay attention, it’s quite clear that this energy creates pressure, anxiety, and stress. Why? Because allying with ego means that we’ve chosen to live in a demanding environment. We simply haven’t realized that we have a choice to join forces with our authentic ideals and live in a nondemanding environment. The Law of Attraction works either way!

The more we demand from the universe, the more is demanded of us. The more we give away, the more is given to us. It’s truly a simple matter of attitudinal energy generated from within ourselves. Consistently thinking of needing more attracts that needy energy back to us. When we consistently generate thoughts of giving, however, we attract the energy of giving back to us.

Lao-tzu speaks of the “absolute joy and freedom” we can experience by aligning ourselves with the practice of “kindness and selflessness.” My new book The Shift: Taking Your Life from Ambition to Meaning is a contemporary interpretation of this ancient teaching. I hope to impart that “Meaning” is not achieved through your ego and its selfish ways, but through the part of yourself that is selfless. Lao-tzu speaks of practicing “undiscriminating virtue”—this is your path to the freedom and joy that characterize a purposeful life.

Be a Swimmer

While visiting downtown San Diego last spring, I took a walk on the waterfront to watch the ships sailing on the bay. A bicycle bell sounded behind me and I looked around to see the smiling face of a “cabbie.” This enterprising young man was offering me a free ride in his pedicab, the modern-day version of a rickshaw. With no set fee for the ride to any particular hotel or store or restaurant destination, his income depended on the good will of his customers—who most likely would give him a tip suitable to the value of the trip. This is enterprise—offer a service that people want and need and let the income you require flow to you. Remember the old saying, “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it”? You can give the Universe a chance to support your hopes and dreams by putting your best efforts into them. Many years ago, I set out across the country with a carload of a book called Your Erroneous Zones, determined to make a market for my work. I needed an opportunity to reach my dreams and so I set off to make one—one bookstore, radio station, and newspaper office at a time. Be a swimmer in the vast and welcoming sea of opportunity!




It’s About Joe

I hope everyone has a chance to see The Shift , my new movie from Hay House.

It’s about the shift that happens in every life when we realize that we want to be something more. That’s be something in the spiritual sense when we examine ourselves to see if we are realizing our potential, singing our song, giving the world what we came here to contribute. It’s when we begin looking for opportunities to help, to serve, and to create. My favorite character in the movie is a guy named Joe. He’s a quiet, in-the-background sort of guy, but as the movie progresses you realize that he has been around quite a bit, interacting with all the major characters. Watch for him—reaching out, serving, caring, noticing the little things. You assume he must be the handyman, the gardener, the room service attendant.

Eventually, you learn more about him and find yourself amazed at how little you noticed his presence, but how important his presence is to the experience of the movie. He’s one who has made the shift and through his loving service, his happiness, he helps others move in the direction they are called to go.

Look for Joe in the movie—and in the world around you—he’s there.




How May I Serve?

If you could have any job in the world what would it be?

Here’s how I have handled the getting of jobs and how I have advised others to go about it.

First, get a really sharp, clear vision of what you would like to see yourself doing. Then go to a quiet place in meditation and make conscious contact with God. The beauty of meditation is that you begin to get answers. Instead of asking for something for yourself, put all of your energy and attention into visualizing yourself in a capacity of serving, offering, or creating. It’s then that doors begin to open for you.

Lao-tzu says that doors don’t open while we have attachment to physical things for ourselves. What he calls the angelic guides or Source energy doesn’t enter our lives until we take the focus off “what’s in it for me?” or “what kind of job am I going to get?” or “how much money am I going to make?” and instead focus on “how may I serve?”

Get that inner picture of yourself serving in the capacity of your choice and then be at peace with it. Take the focus off scarcity and lack and visualize service. That’s how Spirit works—when we’re letting go, when we’re not trying, not chasing.

“Let yourself be lived by it,” says Lao-tzu. Go within and trust Divine timing. That’s how it’s always worked for me and I’ve always had more work than I could handle.


