Measuring Your Worth?
If you’re presently evaluating your level of achievement based on how much you’ve accumulated, here’s a way to make a major shift in your state of personal satisfaction and contentment. Verse 46 of the Tao Te Ching invites you to discover a more peaceful and self-satisfying way of knowing success. “Contentment alone is enough,” says Lao-tzu. “Indeed, the bliss of eternity can be found in contentment.” As you let go of the determination to acquire more, your new views will change the world you’ve known. You’ll find that the experience of inner peace becomes your true gauge of accomplishment.
The “disease of more” has created an environment that personifies Lao-tzu’s observation that there is “no greater tragedy than discontentment.” When you truly understand what it means to live peacefully, satisfaction will begin to replace your desire for more. Your world will begin to become tranquil as you change your own life and then touch the lives of your immediate family, your neighbors, your co-workers, and ultimately your nation and the entire planet. Begin by simply thinking of the opening line of the famous Prayer of Saint Francis when you notice that you’re demanding more of anything.
Silently say, Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. As that instrument of peace, you’ll radiate tranquility to those in your immediate surroundings, and you’ll feel the flicker of a new and different success in contentment, perhaps for the first time in your life. By refusing to lose the Tao, regardless of what others may be doing and what our world’s governments elect to do, you’re living harmoniously. Your connection to the Tao will make a difference, gradually inching the Earth away from the precipice of discontentment.
When your feet hit the floor every single morning, without exception, say, “Thank you for an opportunity to live in a state of contentment.” Invite the magical energy of the Tao to flow freely through you and inform your responses throughout the day. You’re in harmony with your Source when you’re soliciting gratitude and gratification in these ways. Set aside time each day to consciously send peaceful energy into the world, especially to anyone you see as an opponent or competitor, anyone you disagree with. Find authentic success by practicing gratitude and contentment each day.
Topics: harmony, lao-tzu, tao te ching
Hi wayne i need to help my self get pass a major issue that has been around for 23 plus years and dont know how to make it stop so i can have peace and happiness in my life im 47 and have had this issue that i think my husband is leaving me or with some one eles my body my mind and my self feel bad
A good way to stay in Gratitude is to keep a “Gratitude Journal” by your bedside and every night write what you are grateful for during the coarse of your day…. Living in peace and gratitude,
I enjoy everything that makes me happy. The only one that interprets every thing in a positive side is you, and your optimistic attitude. Do not count your success. Just try to be in an elevated motion. Be free of any material desire and look at the bright side of every thing or every event. It is my secret, and I reveal it to all my friends.
Dr Dyer I am almost finishing your book Power of Intention here in Brazil and I would like to say thank you
For your wonderful words that are always helping me to be a better and a happier person.
I love you! God bless you Dr. Wayne.
I am thankful for being. I am grateful for the opportunities given me to comfort, love, support and encourage others. I am grateful for the world around me and the ability to see the wonder in every leaf, every insect, every pebble. Thank you, Dr. Wayne Dyer, for helping me to open my eyes.
Love it, Dr. Dyer! ‘Worth’ is an idea we (meaning people) made up anyway. What is it?…and why the heck are we so worried about it? Just ENJOY YOUR LIFE (responsibly of course) and STOP WASTING TIME CHASING THE FOLLIES OF THE EGO!! I have to tell myself this every day…lol.
Thank you Wayne. Powerful Statement. It places me in a state of non-attachment to the circumstances of whatever I’m facing and helps me realize how trying to achieve anything can only work by being in the present moment. By being an instrument of peace, effortlessness is the path we can take to realizing our vision of our greatest life.
I have been focusing on what I have not achieved, what I should already have, thus feeling lack of contentment and worthless; but I could be doing more, but if I don’t–I refuse to lose the Tao!
Dr Dyer! I think I made the connection: sense of worthlessness=not focusing on gratitude and contentment; make the shift!
Have certainty that all outcome is perfect and beneficial, and you will have peace.’ Evernow
Gratitude is one of the most basic principles of the spiritual life. If we are grateful we find peace and contentment. We remember what is important in life and stay connected to the Dao. Namaste.
Thank you so much Dr. Wayne!!! Just what I need it in this moment! I love you Dr. Wayne
thanks you…..I keep it on my mind….every day….
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace
Ii needing it.
Contentment – I already have the whole of everything for it is a part of me and I am a part of it. As connected beings we can reach this inner peace as all is right with the ever-expanding universe.
Grand Blessings, Namaste
Your work on the Tao has been a true inspiration as is this post. Thank you, George Bryant from the Finding God On The Train Blog.
Yes – using Saint Francis’ prayer which I have loved for years – It is as simple as that, yet I haven’t been able to restore inner peace for some months now. With your words in mind, I’ll give it a try.
Apart from just material attachment to more, I’ve also realized we have a desire to be more, intellectually, spiritually. Your teaching reminds me that even that is folly. We are peace, in this moment and should learn to just let that be..Thank u for a great great teaching.
Thank you, my own peace and freedom has taken many years but I will always be grateful for the journey. I constantly re mind myself that peaceful thoughts bring about peace within. The peace within is then mirrored by those around me.
Thanks for you teaching important.