Our Better Angels
The devastating earthquake that shook the island nation of Haiti on January 12 speaks to all of us. The number of lives lost staggers the imagination—once and growing toward twice the entire population of Maui, the island I call home. My prayers have been very deep for the healing that needs to take place on Haiti. All of us can send our prayers, our love, as well as our financial and material support. Whenever a crisis such as this happens, the better angels within all of us begin to take over. In times of crisis, our true humanity begins to show. We forget what divides us and people everywhere on the planet come together to help. You see people digging through rubble, working 18-20 hour days without sleep, flying in from all over the world, saying, “How may I be of service?” It’s the mantra of the higher self—“how may I serve” rather than “what’s in it for me” or “what I don’t like about you.” Whether it’s a tsunami or an earthquake or a hurricane or any kind of natural disaster or even a war-like disaster, it brings out our true nature, our original nature as Lao-tzu calls it, which is reverence for all life, kindness, simplicity, caring, and serving. We show our love for God by serving one another. And there are miracles—lives saved against all odds—to remind us how fragile and precious life is.
HayHouseRadio.com will be broadcasting a special edition of the Hay Foundation’s “Acts of Kindness” program on Wednesday, February 3 to raise funds for Haiti. Featured guest will be Dr. Carolle-Jean Murat whose Angels for Haiti Project has been providing medical and financial support for Haitian schoolchildren for many years and now is helping fund the relief effort. Please tune in. Every loving thought helps!
Topics: earthquake, Haiti, Kindness, service
love this W D
My destiny is mine to control
When you acquire enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, iti s almost impossible for you to be controlled and manipulated by anybody else.
Sometimes it s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever
Keri Russell quotes
I was at the Celebrate your Life conferencein Phoenix and saw you speak. At the conference you asked if there were any teenaagers present which inspired me to bring my daughter who is about to enter high school next fall. We will be coming to the You can Heal Your Life in San Diego. Looking forward to seeing you again!!
i am not nearly the saint some of my fans imagine and I m nowhere near the devil my detractors wish, so you simply take both of those with a grain of salt.
Ken Wilber –
The understanding of evolutionary consciousness is perhaps the most important thing lacking in spiritual practices today. Evolution means growth and development. This means that there are aspects of reality that have not yet arisen in our consciousness. But they will arise if we grow.
Meditate Regularly
Take some time to be silent, and repeat the sound of God as an inner mantra. Meditation allows you to make conscious contact with your Source and regain the power of intention.
You are really great,
Cuidate mucho, we need you for long time, hi to R,Dass
The philosophy of D.R -W.D, has been fundamental in my life, parallel with my Jungian personal therapy among my studies of oriental philosophy. Any time I read or re-read any articles, the spirit manifest or active my arquetipes. I get a connection with my phylogenic . to continuo my own ontogeny process .
The happiness of one s own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one’s own happiness, the happiness of others.
mtnjourney Paramahansa Yogananda quote
Extraordinary reference to be always You
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl
My husband and I feel the call to assist those in need in Haiti. We send intentions of Healing and Miracles everyday to Haiti survivors and Relief workers at http://www.higherlight.org. Will you join us?
I celebrate my birthday this month. I am foregoing all gifts and requesting family and friends donate to our brothers and sisters in Haiti instead. What greater gift to recieve than to know that those who truly need our help are receiving it. I couldn’t ask for more.
I am from Iran. And I just read this note here and Sharmin’c comment about the poet from Sadi.
I blieve in what Sadi said. In Quran, our religous book, God has mentioned that “When an affliction befalls them, they say, “We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning.” God bless you…
“In times of crisis, our true humanity begins to show. We forget what divides us and people everywhere on the planet come together to help”…but do we really need a tragedy to help another? And, what is the reason we actually may reach out to help others. See lifeskills authorities for our answer.
Wayne, you have inspired me through your life challenges and service to others. I enjoyed your Ambition to Meaning movie very much, as I am in search of my dharma. IMy hope and prayers are with you as you recover from your illness and continue to be an angel of inspiration to help heal others like me.
Is there a way to write to you directly? Thank you, by the way, for being an amazing teacher for me!
.one of our ancient Persian poet SADI says in this way
Human beings are members of a whole
In creation of one essence and soul
If one member is afflicted with pain
Other members uneasy will remain
If you have no sympathy for human pain
The name of human you cannot retain.
with love
I was waiting for your blog on Haiti. Thanks for your words. I has been connected from my heart, and praying, for all the people there, especially those still alive under the rubble waiting and waiting. Big test. For them, for their families and friends, for the rescuers, for the world.
Wayne, thank you for giving a different frame to this event in Haiti. Amidst all the finger-pointing and name-calling and the guessing what Haiti has “done wrong” to draw this kind of experience, you come along with a wonderfully sound way to view this experience. And, I genuinely appreciate it.
You have been so profoundly instrumental in my discovery and growth process.
I just want to say that I attended your cinema event in Memphis, Tennessee last night and took a friend that I thought certain would spend most of the time asleep. You caught his attention right off the bat and he stayed with you throughout the entire 2 1/2 hours.
Thanks Wayne..met you in Boston several years ago and gave you my 20 or 21 year coin. I will hopefully hit 25 on April 28 Saw your Wishes Fulfilled last night. My prayers and thoughts are for you as I feel you need us now as well. I have followed your teachings and try and practice each day. Namaste. Kevin:)
Prayers affect the collective consciousness, but the intent needs to manifest physically. The sentiment “be ye warmed and filled” when not accompanied by giving is worthless. Chris Preliz’s suggestion in his blog earlier this week, donate to soles4souls. It’s very important to find something simple and real to help the Haitians.