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The Amazing Biology of Belief

Always keep your eyes open for the thoughts and ideas that will inspire and empower you. When I was just about to start writing Excuses Begone!, I got a tip on a great new book from Hay House president Reid Tracy. He told me he was sending me a copy of Dr. Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief with the promise that I was really going to like it. He was right. What I found in Bruce’s book was a fascinating science-based discussion of concepts that dovetailed perfectly with the premise of Excuses Begone!that our self-limiting beliefs stand in the way of our higher, healthier, and happier life. In my book, I talk about working our way out of the collection of unexamined excuses we have for why our life isn’t working. Bruce’s work revolves around the mistaken notion that people can’t change because of their DNA—their genes make them who they are, give them illnesses, keep them stuck. In The Biology of Belief, Bruce describes the stunning research that demonstrates why we are not limited by our genes but by our beliefs. Literally, our beliefs can change the read-out of our genes. That makes one less excuse for not being all we can be, doesn’t it?




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Mahesh Mahtani says:

Dear Dr. Wayne Dyer.
hi… i am a big big big fan of yours…from down under…Jakarta, Indonesia
i love your books and also your audio books..
i have a question..that i need to ask you..
how can i go about to do that..
thanking you in advanced

Ahmad Saatchian says:

Dr.dyer. You save my life,thank you so so much for you,& thanks for all of your books.god bless u.

Patty says:

I am 41 years old. When I was 17, my English teacher showed us a video of one of your talks. She spoke so highly of you. At that age, I didn’t get it, however, I am glad she ‘introduced’ us because I always remembered your name. I feel like I have known you for a very long time :o) I appreciate your words. Thank you.

Mason Hawk says:

I recall some very important words from the late Warren Zevon.”When we buy books to read, we think we buy the time to read them”. How true. When I bought the book “Excuses Be Gone” I could not put it down. I am grateful to you for taking the time to write and publish it.

Amy says:

Dr. Dyer,
I’m reading INSPIRATION. I have a question about EGO. What is God’s purpose in including it in his creation if it is so negative, something we are better off without, rather than a useful tool to lead us to a closer relationship with God/Spirit. Am I misunderstanding you?

Lane says:

Thank you for your participation in my healing. It has been a long journey, but now I see a clear pattern running through my life and I am happy, joyous, free, authentic, living in reality, and see that my life does have a purpose after all.. Donna, thank you for your comment about illness being connected to our emotions…how true.

Michael says:

I just completed my first reading of Excuses Begone and was amazed on how true and basic the concepts were. I plan the read the book again this time making notes and highlighting. Now I have to talk my wife into reading Excuses begone . Dr Dyer if you are reading these comments. thanks so much for changing my life.

carol says:

I am only half way thru excuses begone and i can already tell a difference with my thoughts and attitudes. amazing. as always, dr dyer, another encouraging and challenging read. thank you for sharing your gift and inspiring us to continue to reach higher with our minds and hearts.

Donna says:

I work in the health profession, and I believe from the teachings of Louise Hay that illness is connected to emotions. Whenever I get an illness I look at my emotional state and find the cause. When you introduced me to Bruce Lipton’s work, it just gave me more proof that we are our environment.

Mona (Bear) says:

Done half of the book now and going back and doing notes. Very inspiring indeed. Some years ago I got very inspired at a seminar I was attending and one result was a quote that I invented: “If I am not the one I think I am, then I am the one I chose to be.” I am very happy about that one, the only one I have ever made. :O)

Jane says:

Thanks for your inspiration. Do you think the “empty nest syndrome” is real or is it a meme? My daughter is leaving for college in a few days, and a friend has suggested I am in the midst of empty nest syndrome. I am happy for my daughter, and will miss her. Can you comment please?

Rose Winstanley-Trefz says:

I just want to thank Dr. Wayne Dyer for being here on this planet and for inspiring countless thousands of people. We are graced by his presence, his humility, and his teachings. I love him, and I love his work! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

Madelyn says:

What does it mean to be “in Spirit”?

Mona (Bear) says:

Just on the third chapter of Excuses Begone..another awesome steppingstone. So glad you made the time. I’ve got some ? about awareness (understand it 90/10), but I’ll figure it out smile. Thanks again for sharing.

Judith Christensen says:

Great stuff. Now I have to work on “belly fat”! Dr. Dyer, where do I find the short videos clips I saw yesterday regarding a Dali Lama or Tao? A dark skinned, white bearded old man ? What web page did
I see this. Thanks, you are my hero and my inspiration. I am fellow teacher of young children

Tracy Austin says:

Hi Wayne,

I read this book awhile ago and it blew my mind! I think of it every time I hear my mom or in-laws talk about their “diseases” and how it was inevitable because they run in the family. Of course I suggest they read it, too, but they choose not to.
(had more 2 say but the character restrictions here are brutal!)

Diego Zazueta says:

They seem to be really good books and I´m for them. I like a lot the way you writte and all your help you give in your words. And only I have read the “Tus zonas erroneous” book and in this moment I’m finishing “Tus zonas magicas”. I’m from Mexico by the way.

Jeanette says:

I just wanted to say thank you…

King Sidharth says:

Your blogs are wonderful, as usual. Well I am amazed at your usage of Namaste, the hindu greeting. Great going!