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The Healing Power of Service

How may I serve others so that they may have what I desire? The answer to this seemingly contradictory question holds the key to authentic inner peace. Many callers to my radio show are struggling with fears, worries, and concerns that stem, as they see it, from unfulfilled desires. I usually suggest that they try wanting something more for others than they want it for themselves. The love required to do this turns their focus away from the constant turmoil of the ego and instead opens real possibilities for living their highest and most joyful purpose.

Supportiveness, or service to others, is one of the four cardinal virtues described by Lao-tzu. When you extend yourself in a spirit of giving, helping, or loving, you act as God acts. Imagine shifting your attention off of yourself and asking the universal mind: How may I serve? When you do so, the message you are sending is: I’m not thinking about myself and what I can or can’t have. Your attention is on making someone else feel better.

Anytime you’re supportive of others, you automatically remove ego from the picture. And with no ego, you go from edging God out to being more like God. Practice giving and serving without expectation of reward (or even a thank-you)—let your reward be spiritual fulfillment. This is what Kahlil Gibran meant when he wrote in The Prophet: “There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.”

The greatest joy comes from giving and serving. That’s much better than the discomfort and distress of focusing exclusively on yourself and what’s in it for you. When you make the shift to supporting others in your life, without expecting anything in return, you’ll think less about what you want and find comfort and joy in the act of giving and serving. This giving, loving, serving person is the real you.

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Gigi says:

I love your wisdom & clarity! Truly inspiring!!

Andrea M. Santoro says:

I strive everyday for an authentic relationship with the Lord – HE who has THE ABSOLUTE BEST timing!!!
Many times, what he gives us is for us to give to others – we are ALL Angels to eachother.

Marc says:

Peace is love,
We must learn to love one another.
Peace is inner-self,
It is through inner-self that we find guidance.
Peace is never asking why.
Why does not exist.
Peace is not to try,
This is the most difficult to abide by.

Marc says:

There is no peace from human pleasure,
It drives us to the unsatisfied path,
There is no peace with greed,
It takes away from the greater good
There is no peace from war
It is a response to fear,

Marc says:

There is no peace with the past,
It clouds the present and walls the future,
There is no peace with worry,
It can never solve the problem,
There is no peace with Ego,
It makes one apart from the world,
There is no peace with piety,
It is a false sense of self,

Marc says:

If you establish these five things, your teaching will be well received.”

Marc says:

When you teach others, you must think

1. I will teach in a gradual and sensitive way.
2. I will speak with the goal in mind.
3. I will speak with gentleness.
4. I will not speak in order to gain anything.
5. I will not speak with a view to harming anyone.

Siddharth says:

Dr. Dyer, I saw movie The Shift, it touched my heart, there was a question in my mind – can i change my thought pattern? after seeing- YES I CAN, all Thanks to you. Now listening Excuses Begone, and now no excuses- all thanks to you for ELEVATING so many lives. Your service is wonderful.

Charlotte says:

Dr. Dyer – I saw you jogging in Maui last week and I didn’t want to interrupt your jog but wanted to let you know what an inspiration you have been for me. I hope to attend one of your workshops in the future.

sharon says:

Dr. Dyer
Thank you for responding to your call. You have been an avenue that God used to call me deeply into
Himself. The Shift has been an added blessing.
God Bless
Sharon M. DeAngelo

Debra says:

Friday an individual our office assisted in feeling better celebrated a new chapter in life and 2 new jobs. Along with good cheer, this individual brought a feast. Just wanted to point out that sometimes, in addition to the delicious spiritual rewards of giving, there are also enchiladas, rice, and beans! How great is that?!

Anastasia says:

Now very few people wishes something good another and if wishes, we perceive it as simply words! And if you not simply speak words and pass something big, what it is possible to feel only?

Chautauqua says:

Thank you for just popping up on my channel surfing. I was feeling a little under my usual self. And then I listened to your show(EXCUSES BEGONE). And from there I ended up on this website to join. Can’t wait to journey on this path of happiness. Thank you again

George Wallace, Welcoming Peace says:

A Course in Miracles teaches that giving and receiving are one. I have also been a firm believer that you can’t keep it until you are willing to give it away. At a time in my life when I had gone from a lot of wealth to being dirt poor, I still gave to the charities of my choice because I couldn’t afford not to.

Marie Suzanne says:

Thank you for your generosity and understanding. My life is enlightened because you are there serving us all, you are serving me. I can only live by your example and serve others with my love and compassion and happiness. I am so grateful.

Mucunda says:

cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does.
Jorge Luis Borges
Twitter so busy

A. says:

Watch Dyer’s movie The Shift, you will feel a lot better after.

Janet Pfeiffer, The Secret Side of Anger says:

This was my facebook post today:
There is beauty and goodness in every human being. Sometimes it lies dormant, waiting to be activated. Other times, it is buried deep beneath pain and suffering. Let me act as the catalyst for bringing out the best in others for all the world to witness and celebrate. What a priceless gift of unselfish love!

Janet Pfeiffer, The Secret Side of Anger says:

My Three Simple Rules for Life: Give more than what is expected of you; Expect less than what you’re entitled to; Do it with love in your heart. Let whatever you do be done in love. When you serve others you serve God and there is nothing more rewarding than that. He will bless you for your kindness.

Odilia Carmen says:


Dr Paul Dyer says:

Seeking to serve others is indeed a key ingredient in creating a joyful life journey. The irony, of course, is that the more we seek our own happiness, the less of it we have, while the more we focus on others’ happiness, the more joy we receive. Thank you for reminding us.

Nealon Hightower, Six Simple Truths says:

I see some people struggle with how exactly they may serve. I did. I gained clarity through a 9 week teleseminar with Dr. Sharon Lamm-Hartman called The Hearts Way. It blew my mind and opened my heart to receive the answer to this question. Blessings to all.

Herve says:

Being service to others simply for the joy of it is seemingly on the rise, Ononymous donations of fortunes is becoming a new norm. Simplicity of being is coming common place as a new thinking is emerging. Identifying that thinking as God thinks is what we are begginning to understand what teachers past and present are communicating. Namaste.

hantawi says:

Thank-You Wayne, Your message was just a confirmation of what I have been asking for.I am a Pranic Healer and I am starting a non-profit Pranic Healing’s Meditation Group of the Twin Hearts Meditation for Planetary Peace and World service I asked for guidance from the Universe and You gave me the answer.Love and Light to you and your family.

Valerie Curcuro, Life Coach says:

A wonderful opportunity to serve is coming up, most communities have Earth Day Observances and volunteers are welcome to come and help clean up and beautify their cities and towns. A great way to make a difference and meet new people who may very well turn out to be new friends.

Mucunda says:

You are really right in whole article, or its contents (that came out from your ontogeny processes).
BUT not everyone has the process to realize the work we have to do (individuation process) In my case, the working on it has been hard and constant to avoid GET LOST INSIDE ME.

Mucunda says:


Helene says:

I can’t say how much this has made a difference in my life. As I extend myself to provide volunteer service or give assistance in areas that I can… I am in awe of all your writings/books/blogs Dr. Dyer. You are a great teacher and give of yourself unconditionally – making a huge difference in so many lives. Thank you!

patti says:

As of today I still find myself unemployed and instead of feeling sorry fo myself what better time to “Heal thru the Power of Service” thanks Dr Dyer you have been such an inspiration to me thru out this trial. Sending Love and asking the Universe…What may I do for you ?…

Ytje-Minke says:

Thank you, Wayne. Thank you for saying the right things I just needed to hear right now. The most powerfull gift you can give yourself is to let yourself go and just trust!