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Embracing Silence

‘Tis the season when we really need a moment of silence. It’s also the season when we really have to work to make sure we get one. At a time we traditionally devote to loving, giving, and gratitude, the quiet and peace we need to appreciate our gifts seems all too elusive.  Try to give yourself the gift of silence now and then during the holiday hubbub so you have a chance to really enjoy the experience of celebration.  It’s when you merge into the silence and become one with it that you reconnect to your Source and know the peacefulness that is God. “Be still and know that I am God,” says the Old Testament. The key words are still and know.  Mother Teresa described silence and its relationship to God by saying, “God is the friend of silence. See how nature—trees, grass, grow in silence; see the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence…. We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. Your sense of inner peace depends on spending some of your life energy in silence to recharge your battery, remove tension and anxiety, reacquaint you with the joy of knowing God, and feel closer to all of humanity. Going into the quiet and listening will heal and inspire you. In silence, you make your personal and conscious contact with God. As Melville reminded us, “God’s one and only voice is silence.”

May the voice of silence bring you peace this holiday season.

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Kat says:

In silence, I was able to recognize that I was in a controlling relationship and get out. My intuition spoke to me and said ‘this is not the right relationship for me,’ and I wrote about that experience on my website The Break Up Guide.

Thank you Wayne for reminding us to embrace the quiet inside us and inspiring people around the world.

Maria Grazia says:

Il silenzio… Silence is a very difficult process… I find that the only place where I can experience silence is inside an empty church where my thoughts and my silent speech are listened… a silent dialogue.
My wish for everybody: A peaceful new year… Buon anno!

Edree says:

From midnight, December 30th until noon, January 1rst, I “unplugged.” Other than a brief response to four greetings during a brisk winter walk, I listened only to my body and my soul. Well, I have to admit that I had to sift through the mind chatter quite a bit to listen more deeply.

Kim Pearce says:

If you ‘see’ what is not there, and ‘hear’ what is not said, and ‘touch’ what is not present, and ‘taste’ and ‘smell’ the ‘essence’, then you know how to be silent. It requires us to move beyond the five senses and into our ‘common sense’ .. this is what is lacking today … common sense… no wonder we find it so difficult to find silence.

Shiane Marumoto says:

I totally agree…

Silence is Golden!!!

I transitioned into theis new year, silent, in meditation…

Dr. Jacqueline Mackenzie says:

Silence is truth. Source spoke to me silently from the eyes of children whose words I didn’t understand. While friends “back home” laughed, my Guide silently said “Care for my Children” and then helped me to finish a PhD at age 63 while living in a remote Mexican village.

Patricia says:

Thank you Dr. Dyer for your good energy, your thoughts, words, smile, books, CDs, video, blog,… all of them are inspiring. What a wonderful inspiration for human beings! God bless you and all your work! Happy new many years now and ahead.

Catherine says:

Once again you say so much to me Dr Dyer. Just this morning Ive made myself find time to sit in silence and go within and to start myself back on the path I want and need to be on.

Thank you and peace and light to all

thelma says:

the world listen also spells silent!!

thelma says:

thank you for your encouragement. sadly in this life we have lost the importance of silence. and in so doing have lost a big part of ourselves. silence is golden.

Martine says:

While I enjoy the silence during my daily meditations and car rides, I am more inclined to listen to the sounds of joy during this season. The resonating sounds of Christmas carols, sleigh bells and gift wrapping makes me warm and fuzzy 🙂

octav says:

1. Hello dear mr. Wayne. I’ve jus seen your “Shift” and I enjoy a lot. Congratualtion for your work. I can evaluate what you are doing, becouse I am just another pencil in God’s hand. I’ve seen many of my personal feelings and experience during your movie. I’ve signed my books by Noita R Ipsni, and I am sure that you k new what it means…

Diane says:

I have been reading and listening to you for a couple of years Dr. Dyer, and I have made the decision this is the year start my journery in earnest to live a more peaceful and loving life. I look forward to staying connected to God.
Thank you.

Michelle says:

Thank you for reminding me to give myself permission to enjoy silence.

Kenneth says:

In silence lies the true self. It is a spiritual place where we cannot be hurt or harmed. It is a beautiful place where God within us resides. It is a place where we transcend ourselves then take new meaning back to the noisy world. It is a place alway open to us.

Christopher Wayne Richards says:

Christmas can over load the sences. I often make time to take my thoughts and focus off of what I see or do. Our source of being can be felt in the protection of silence and non atatchment to sensory stimuli. Make time for peace silence stillness and you make time for God.

Eoin says:

Thanks Wayne. A timely reminder for a lapsed meditator. I know what my New Years resolution will be!Namaste to all.

Rhona says:

I love the silence and stillness of my daily meditations, it is one of my favourite parts of the day. When I started meditating, I thought I wouldn’t be able to manage 20minutes, but if I am left undisturbed (easier with teenage children) an hour can pass in an instance. Happy Christmas, Peace on Earth ((xx))

Ashley Mui says:

Silence can be the springboard to many opportunities. As we become silent, we can then tune into the voice of Spirit. Thank you for reminding me to continue to practice deep listening. I know that many inspired thoughts come out of it. Eternally grateful.

Barbara says:

I love this post. I find myself craving silence – even listening to music less and less. Living in NYC makes it difficult but there are always earplugs and noise-cancelling headphones!
Thanks, Dr. Dyer! Have a quiet, peaceful holiday! 🙂

Penny says:

Wow! I love your “World Of Wisdom” thank you for sharing your soul…….we’re all in a better place! Love and Light, lots of it!

Nancy says:

I have in the past 10 minutes read 3 blogs that speak of silence and listening….TO truly LISTEN is a gift of LOVE!!! Eye contact, acknowledgment and affirmations of listening is divine! Thank you for another affirmations that to listen and be silent go hand in hand!

parvin says:

Thinking in silence is the begining a constructive action. STAY in silence for a short time, then start doing something that influence others in a good way.

francesca says:

my little child often says to me : “let’s stay in silcence for some time”. it’s right, we need silence to be able to touch souls. Thanks, Dr. Dyer. Happy Holidays and namaste!

Donna says:

Silence is the sanctuary we all embrace during this special time. Thank you for reminding us to seek the inner voice that needs no words.

Denise says:

Dr. Dyer! You’ve outdone yourself again! I love, love, love this post and will share it with all my friends. Thank you!

Helene Sinclair says:

And may you experience great peace as well Dr. Dyer. Blessings to you and yours for this holiday season! I look forward to hearing you speak at the I CAN DO IT Carribean Cruise!

Joseph Wadas says:

Silence is where God can most easily be found and accessed. Take time to quiet your mind and heart. Be still and know that He is God. Happy Holidays to all! Namaste!

Mucunda says:

Embracing Silence for you and the comuniti
hi to ram Dass
feliz navidad y prospero ano nuevo


Dear Dr. Dyer

I Do believe God is inside of us in silence, and only in silence we can listen to God.
God Bless You and all of your audience.


Jodi says:

Thank you for the reminder Wayne. I was just thinking about this the other day and how we are so wound up and need to just slow down and shift ourselves into a mode of silence. So as usual your words come at a time exactly when they are meant to show up for me. Regards and happy holidays.