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Faith Affirming

Faith is the complete reliance on the power and goodness of Spirit and the firm belief that you are always connected to this goodness. Always affirm your faith and not your doubt. When you affirm that things might not work out, that your troubles continue to mount, that your problems are insoluble, that God has not been listening, or that you are powerless in the face of so many struggles, you are affirming doubt rather than faith. The ability to know faith and affirm it allows it to manifest in your life.

In John 14:27, Jesus said, “My peace I give to you.” This is an affirmation of faith. He certainly wasn’t suggesting that peace is very difficult to have and you must struggle for it. Jesus brought peace to everyone by affirming it. Likewise, in his healing work, he didn’t imply that we haven’t been having a great deal of success lately with leprosy, but if you listen to me you have a thirty percent chance of surviving over the next five years. Instead, he declared, “You are well,” affirming faith at the highest spiritual level, and healing took place.

You too must learn to affirm your faith in the face of doubt with thoughts that things will work out, things will improve. Think, write, and say affirmations like these:

I intend to create prosperity.

I’ll do what is necessary to eradicate this problem.

I know I am not alone.

I have faith that all is for good.

I give no energy to the negative because I know all is in divine order.

I will consult with God and know that I will be guided to do what is needed.

These are all affirmations of faith, which, when practiced, will permit you to say “no” to doubt and “yes” to life.

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Casey Faitel says:

The Conservation of Energy states that “energy cannot be created nor destroyed.” I am delighted that your positive energy is going to be with us forever!

Alan says:

A powerful collection of affirmations. Most important for me is to employ them as suggested, think, write and SAY them. Equally important is for me to practice these, so I have put the printed words in a place where I face them everyday. This is a true calming and reassuring method to keep me grounded and positive. Thank you so much!

Malooka says:

Faith helps to get stability and feel relaxed all the time….
i’m really impressed by your words…
Thank you very much…

Jordan says:

Holding the faith requires a daily practice; seeing the vision in the possibility we’re hoping for. It means creating an intimate relationship with the attracting essence we are formulating to become.

Glenn says:

Happy Birthday Dr. Dyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been a social worker for thirty years dealing with extreme trauma. You continue to be an inspiration.

meilanie says:

I had lost my way falling into a deep depression. Your teachings, your words, your spirit brought me back. Thank you for helping me to help myself heal. The blessings you gave to me, I will pay it forward to others. I’m eternally grateful.

Bruce says:

E Zones showed we could question brain washing imposed on us. then Spiritual Solution and that became a book I could get almost instant relief with. Have given away copies of both. Gave Anita`s Dying to be Me to a lady because I felt it would help her.Feels good Wayne, your passion is a huge inspiration for good and I love you.

Wanda says:

Thank you! Simply…I am faith!

Pat says:

I use this for my own affirmation. Open your mind and your heart to the Light, the One. All you need do is ask and that which you seek shall be forthcoming.
Thank you for reminding me.

Paula says:

Thank You Wayne. I hope to meet you one day. You help make my World a better place. With Love,

Lisa says:

I have sent these affirmations to one of my daughter-n-laws she is going though some tough times with her parents. Her father has just been through some very extreme surgery and is having a rough time. Thought they would help her and my son get through this rough patch.

Denise Bragg, Munster, IN. says:

I believe in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me. My faith is everlasting and gets stronger everyday I confirm my faith. Life is full of trials and tribulations. Faith is what gets me through it all.

Michael says:

This is about building faith. We are not born with a sense of faith, we learn it. How do we learn it, through other peole, unless we live alone in the woods. So we need to look at each other and acknowledge each other and say, “hey, I see you and support you” . Even though they will struggle they will have faith we are there.

Michael says:

ne better than the other. Everyone needs to believe we are all connected. If we someone in our daily life that is struggling we should take 1 minute out of our day to acknowledge that we feel for them. We do not have to solve their individual problems but we can let them know we are there. It’s like a world support group.

Michael says:

Wayne and everyone else, I believe faith comes down to looking to your right and looking to your left to find a person that you must believe in. Faith is about believing in others because if you can believe in them you automatically include yourself. I feel life is about rounding people up and taking care of each other, no o

Michelle says:

Dr. Dyer, Listening to you is like taking in a breath of fresh air…Understanding how faith and the direction of our goals unites what religion is usually trying to separte when it should be one and the same.


Anne Kari says:

Thank you Dr. Dyer. Thank you very, very much!

Santiago María says:

Dear Wayne, I am following you from Argentina. After watching “The Shift” a hughes change ocurred in may life. I have created my own Coaching School (“Call Recrearte”) and inspired me to follow my dream. Thanks for your kindness and commitment!!

wade says:

Dr. Dyer.I have been asked to share a message that perhaps you have been seeking and/or are in need of.
This message is to do the rosary with devotion for one hour every morning, and petition Mother Mary for assistance & intercession, and surrender to the will of Jesus. and that it will be a blessing if followed. (1 Corinthians 2:5)Blessings

Jim says:

It seems that sometimes we must hear our own inner thoughts and truths, which most of us are taught to ignore, spoken back to us from another before we can have faith in them ourselves. Thank you for speaking them so eloquently. Now that I have faith in my True Self, I am finding the same Truths echoed and reaffirmed (almost) everywhere I look.

jennifer, Folsom says:

4 weeks ago I watched the SHIFT. I have now stopped getting in lifes way. I have followed my inner pull. I, in 1 week time, did all that was needed to get us safe from him and removed from the household. Filed for divorce AND happiness has fallen into my life.

Jaya, Singapore says:

Dear Dr Dyer,

There is a saying, when a student is ready and the master will appear. Thank you for coming into my life.To apply and practice what you have stated in your books is always a joy and fun which have changed my life completely. May the Lord Bless you and your family always

Constance says:

Desire to heal stray cat who adopted me. He has terminal illness. In first Wishes Fulfilled meditation I had a flash image of him in perfect health, glowing with light. Desire to learn mechanics of healing others without letting my ego become involved. (I am susceptible to that). Suggestions?

oren says:

u can’t imagine your work has done for me. sometimes we have the faith but it doesn’t work in a certain area of our lives. i used to blame the power of intention that i used to have unwanted hair. i used a treatment plus changed that unwanted phenomena attractor field and than unremovable defect from birth gone almost 100%.

Diane says:

Vegan for 2 years, My doctor & energy healer tell me I “need” meat to bring my (blood test) numbers back to normal. Since I’ve been eating shellfish I no longer have low blood sugar. Can anyone help w/a different perspective on this inner struggle on living a “kind” life & taking a life for food, please?? Seems contradictory for me. thx

PAUL says:

Dr,Dyer, Bless you,

Steve says:

I am in touch with my faith & continually experience the positive outcomes around me, now 24 yrs later with 3 kids, I’m still at constant odds with my wife who is very negative & operates from her ego. She read The Shift & it helped for about 2 months, I want to stay & remain a positive example for my kids but at what cost with all the conflict?

Jeannie says:

If EVERYTHING is possible then NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE.. so I can use my faith to create miracles.. But there is a caveat emptor and I need to know how to move beyond it. If I request something of God – what if someone else requests something in direct opposition? If we are both of equal faith.. how can we both have the same result?

Anita says:

Dr. Dyer, I love your books. I am currently reading “Wishes Fulfilled” and I’m finding it very inspiring. Will this book, or another, help me to deal with negativity stemming from a spouse?

David says:

Just a Simple Thank You is in Order for My Life Now!!!!!!

Molly says:

Thank you so much for the work you do! Funny how simple it really is to take time each day to practice these affirmations, and yet they are so incredibly powerful and truly work! Namaste! <3

Helga says:

I cannot put in words how thankful I am for your inspiring words. Immediately after discovering you I bought two of your books and read “wishes fullfilled” in one day. What a treasure I had found. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart. Thank you again

Adriana Hinrichs says:

Dr Dyer:
i want to tell you thanks I’m reading your book inspiration and you are one of this person that inspire me sorry for my english

Diane says:

Is there room for reaction before peace? There is a line in a song – Life throws you curves and you learn to swerve. Well, we have been swerving quite a bit lately. There is always the question that comes up – Why is this happening? I know what word comes up – Victim. We are being a victim.

Beth says:

I like your hat. Namaste.

Errin says:

After listening to one of your callers, my first thought was look closer or A. Cohen’s A day Rembrandt well remembers. I have been that caller and his friend. This would be a good discussion to idenifying the actally underlying problems and move past them. Thank You Dr. Dyer

Laurie says:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I look forward to meeting you one day!

aditi says:

dear sir,
thanks for always inspiring and motivating us…love u always…i always love to read and feel the beautiful and abundant-rich words by you….jus keep it up and cant define my feelings into words…jus awesome work …..may god bless you….love u….

Sarah says:

Amazing! I affirm my faith!

Joseph Wadas says:

The faith called for does give a true sense of peace. If we remember who we are, if we remember WHO’S we are, we will have peace and never fear! I look forwrd to seeing you again in Atlanta this month! Namaste!

catherine says:

as always, Dr. Dyer, your words come exactly at a time when I am thinking of them. thank you xxx

Josie M says:

Thank you Dr. Wayne Dyer – Having a tough time today so I went searching for guidance and I found it! bless you and your family today and everyday!

Wild4Stars says:

Thank you.