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Practicing the Paradigm

This month you’ll have a chance to check out my friend Jorge Cruise’s new book The Belly Fat Cure. I had a chance to test the Excuses Begone! paradigm in my own life by applying some of Jorge’s wisdom. I had been carrying an extra 15 to 17 pounds around my waist for about ten years, using the excuse that “this is what happens when you get old.” It’s called “man weight,” I told myself. Then I had an interview with Jorge and he told me some startling figures about sugar consumption. In the 19th century, people consumed an average of about 13 grams of sugar a day. Today we consume an incredible 285 grams per person per day. Doesn’t it look like there’s a connection between that huge increase and the increasing waistlines of our nation? According to Jorge, reducing your waist circumference can add years to your life. Jorge recommends cutting sugar intake back to between 25 and 30 grams a day.

I had been harboring the notion, the excuse, that my 17 pounds of belly fat would be very difficult if not impossible to get rid of. After all, time had put it there! I decided to test my excuse by reducing my sugar intake down to about 20 grams a day. In 30 days, that 17 pounds had melted off my waist. And it wasn’t all that hard to do.

The fact is we can do this with anything—from belly fat to any excuse-bound situation that is blocking our health and/or happiness. Once I decided to believe that I could release the weight that had accumulated around my middle, I let it go. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re right.” Why not believe you can?

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Karin says:

Remember that when you see the label ‘sugar free” think twice before you buy it. Instead of sugar that product will contain aspartame which is a poisonous, sweet chemical. Check out for more info on Youtube. Thanks for reminding me to watch my sugar intake.

Mary Godfrey, Phoenix says:

Hi Wayne,
I have been reading Excuses Be Gone & I am almost done. It is easy to read with helpful tools for positive change. One excuse that rang true 4 me is “I’m too old”, as I related that to my music endeavors….That thought I’ve now reframed! Thank You, as I know I have quite a bit more music in me 🙂 Namaste’

Janet Pfeiffer says:

Excuses relieve us from responsibility. (“It’s not my fault. It can’t be done.”) But responsibility is power. By taking full ownership I put forth effort and accomplish great things. One must remove all fear (excuse) in order to succeed. “All things are possible to those who believe.” Believe. Perceive. Achieve.
(“Man weight” – that’s priceless!)

Kyle Beckwermert says:

” I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes. I tell you yesterday is a wind gone down, a sun dropped in the west. I tell you there is nothing in the world only an ocean of tomorrows, a sky of tomorrows.” – Carl Sandburgs poem “Prairie” Thank you Wayne

Chantal Beaupre, Quebec (Canada) says:

No more excuses… as I am on my way to Amazon RIGHT NOW in order to purchase my very own copy of “The Belly Fat Cure”. Thank you so much, Wayne, for being such an inspiration in my life. Blessings and hugs.

Terri says:

The Excuse be gone attitude works. Thank you so much for putting into words my thoughts. Many times my family and friends would say you live in a dream world. No, I was just around the wrong people. New friends and a new husband helped that. Thank you!

Terri McKelvey says:

Wow! I think I have used that same excuse. Except I said to myself it was what happens to women. Told myself that at 45, women carry a few extra pounds.

Edith says:

Namaste Wayne! 2 yr. ago, I took your advise & told the universe: I love my body & I am a feel-good weight now & always. I quit weighing myself, stopped focusing on food, & last year went from a size 10 to 6. The Power of Intention!

j-nj says:

interesting synchronicity how i learned of Byron Katie from u Wayne OX and am questioning stressful thoughts and loving DOING”the work”, following Debbie fords 21 day consciousness cleanse and found today’s forgiveness exercise had to do w/ me forgiving myself for 45 yrs and now w/ out excuse shake sugar too! and lighten up

Tara says:

I feel so much better and have more energy when I cut my sugar intake WAY back. That’s one of my goals for 2010 is to get myself off of sugar.

Debbie says:

I have found more excuses than not to change my life for the better. You are a REAL eye opener for me. Thank you for saving my life.. quite literally! God bless you all. Deb

Valerie Curcuro says:

One of the saddest things I ever heard one of my clients say, “I missed my chance to be thin” made me look at my own beliefs, that weight gain, as we age, is normal. Eliminating high fructose corn syrup and eating only fresh foods made the difference. If we’re not careful we may be believing things to our detriment.

Dennis says:

No words of wisdom from a boy named Tzu? I guess Lao could see his toes when he looked down. Humor in all things. Namaste.

Denise Allen says:

Let me be the first to thank you for this post. I came to a similar conclusion in my morning prayer. I’ve been working on an important project and I’m at a point where I cannot see the end. But, I’ve gone too far to turn around. So, I must keep plowing ahead and I must believe that I can, regardless of outer evidence.