Take Loving Action
One of my personal heroes is Mother Teresa, who spent her later years teaching and serving others. She once remarked, “Love cannot remain by itself—it has no meaning. Love must be put into action, and that action is service.” These words have inspired me and have helped me make the shift away from my ego’s Ambitions for serving myself toward a life dominated by service to others. Today my life is almost 100 percent devoted to service in one way or another. Each day begins with a prayer of “Thank you,” which are the first words out of my mouth as I awaken. This is to keep me in a state of gratitude for all that I receive, as well as for the opportunity to live my days in service to others.
Before beginning my day, I make every effort to do something for someone else. Since I receive volumes of mail, I often send off a book or a DVD of The Shift, a set of CDs, or a DVD of a PBS special—something that I feel will brighten the day of a total stranger somewhere in the world. As I affix the postage, I take great joy in knowing that a surprise package of love in action will send a message to someone that there are people out there who care, and I am one of them.
Often I call someone I’ve been told is grieving the loss of a loved one or is ill in a hospital setting. Other times some money in an envelope goes to one of the many people who serve in my community. If I’m on the road in a hotel, I seek out the maids who serve me so anonymously and surprise them with a gift of some unexpected cash. The things I’m doing aren’t reported here for recognition, but to provide real-life examples of how shifting from Ambition to Meaning affects daily life. The ego seeks recognition, but in a life of Meaning, loving action is its own reward. I’m reminded of Ram Dass, who told me that his years of putting his ego aside and being of service to his mother, father, and stepmother; as well as to people with AIDS and cancer, were the most fulfilling and meaningful times in his life. There are a multitude of ways in which we can give. It doesn’t really matter what we do—the point is to get in the habit of replacing our attention on ourselves with attention toward others and take loving action.
Topics: love, meaning, service
i love this, because you quote mother teresa and because this is my intent and i try always to be as the mother said , to have joy in my heart and just smile and mean it. ” it is not tha magnitude of our actions,but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.” mother teresa.
Someone prepaid my toll on the highway and it changed my perspective on the rest of the day. I looked for ways to do the same thing in other situations (Idon’t take the highway often), and noticed that, in fact, other people were also doing this around me but I had never realized it. I try to emulate their creativity and generosity
Althouhg I have never read any of your books, i have heard and read about you and you are truly a blesing to this mad world. i too try to do something nice for someone evry day. I thank God every day as my eyes open. i am grateful for what i do have. Be blessed Dr.Dyer you are a rare pearl.
I viewed the cinema part of the “Shift” last evening while watering my pine trees in my back yard.
I feel as if there is a balm flowing new and fresh within my bloodstream.
The background musik I played softly all night and forgot the cancers I have and slept as if I were in my Mothers womb.
Efharisto & Namaste Dr. Dyer
Each day I regret why I did not know you sooner to save me from many troubles in my life. I can see really a God version in you, you are here to help us finding light. Thank you. I have a little question for you sir: Why you called the God “she” in ” 101 way to transform”? Does it matter that we call THE BOSS she or he?
Thank you Mr. Wayne
. I have read your books and have a copy of the Shift which is making changes in my life. I am learning to leave excuses by the side of the road.You have inspired me! I got to talk to you a couple of years ago on Hay House Radio. I am still trying to find my Bliss… Thank you for being you and reaching out to so many people. Namaste Dr. Dyer
Many times it’s the words in ur Daily Wisdom book that inspires me to shift to a brighter place. I stumbled across this article when I asked how I was connected to spirit & for some reason I googled “connected to spirit”& this article came up! Thnx u for allowing ur spirit to find mind & making that heart connection. Love to U always.
…each day I write (mostly rewrite) with passion and desire and a dream of one day sharing the stage with you. You are one of my personal heros.
A ” Touch of Kindness Can Touch the World”. Thank You for You.
I hope to become a better person as i age i have seen so many fall into the ‘mean hateful’ senior trap.
I am eager to collect the faith based pearls of wisdom
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Dr Wayne Dyer for being such a living example and not only a talented writer or a gifted speaker…YOU ARE GREAT ! God bless you every day of your life.
My life has been changed by you. In the 90s I wrote you about my dream to be a writer -you sent me handwritten letters and tapes inspiring me to keep writing and never give up. Now I am an author helping people find God.Because of you, I write to every person who writes to me. I know how much one letter can change a person’s life. I love you.
Jas 1:17;Mt 6:33)Coincidentally Uparaphrase primary concepts in Christianity. Biblical teachings surpass combined knowledge of the wisest men. John 3:16. BLOOD OF JESUS= SOURCE OFHEALING. COMMUNION SUPPORTS THIS TRUTH. Place all of ur ATTENTION & INTENTION ON HIM as a philosophical &spiritual check on the conclusions u have made; Remember Saul
Kalinitka Dr. Dyer,
On my writing desk is a paper mache star which burns 24/7.
I thought of you.
Please find a star in the night sky and travel to it and let it envelope you completely.
As it absorbs your leukemia it will return you to us even brighter than before.
Goodnight to you & Namaste,
We often say, “I would give, but only to the deserving.” The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish. Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you. Kahlil Gibran which matches with your Take Love into action Thanks
My whole being smiled at the tenderness you have in your words. The world is truly blessed by your love in action.Thank you for living your purpose so fully.
Your words have touched me beyond anyone else ….ever….that’s pretty deep….i pray for love and peace and giggles for you Wayne,….i myself am in a really tough part of this life….and i’ve heard that u r too….i wish u inner peace and true guidance thru this tough time…..thanx for everything…..your words speak to me…deeply
Nice post, Herve.
Here’s to the 11th commandment, “Love one another”. To serve is to love. To love is to have a joyful meaningful life. Unconditionally give. God will take care of you. Just love unconditionally. Easy to say. Hard to do.
Namaste my TEACHER.
Namaste Dr. Dyer!
Thank you for the “Shift”…awesome.
May I send you a copy of my little book written on pure “imagination”.
I actually see you reading it on an ocean walk upon the awakening of a new day.
Love to you,
Mother Teresa said that everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. This is a little gift, but it is powerful, because it is loving in action. Thank you, Dr. Dyer, for making me to reflect on these teachings so beautiful. Namaste.
@Vikki – I like your suggestion. From a practical standpoint, how do you maintain the discipline of giving? Do you plan in advance what gift you want to give or do you handle it as a spur of the moment type of expression?
Thank you for love,cary and you are change world with your every words.
with all my respect,big hug from Croatia
Thank you Wayne for a great antedote to self consciousness, the simple act of thinking about others and looking for a way to be a blessing in action does more for the giver than the reciever. And all it takes is a smile to a passing stranger, or a simple gesture like holding open a door.
We can only see advancement in ourselves in the advancement of everything that surrounds us. The structures that formerly held our beliefs are suddenly being reshaped as wet clay by our ever increasing awareness of what surrounds us. I am eternally grateful for all that fills my heart in every moment in this eternity. Love for all.
I really love your simple expressions of love, for me it took time to do this kind of details because we are focus in our problems, but thanks for remind me. God Bless You.
I have enjoyed this web site and the idea of giving at least one gift everyday for 29 days.
Thought I would pass it on to you. You have been such a wonderful gift in my life. Thank you.