Thanks for the Love
Thank you, thank you, for all the kindness and prayers you’ve sent our way at the passing of my mother, Hazel Irene Dyer, on Sunday, July 22. Although Mom had been in a coma for two days, on the 22nd she seemed to be waiting for my brother Jim and his wife, Marilyn, to arrive. Soon after they entered her room, she somehow knew it was okay to let go and her heart stopped beating.
Jim and Marilyn have shown what it means to be God-realized people in the last 5 or 6 years. They have dedicated their lives to reaching out and serving—first in caring for Marilyn’s mom and then for our mom, Hazel. Jim and Marilyn are amazing souls; they are angels. I have enormous respect for that kind of service. As Lao-tzu said, our original nature is gentleness and kindness and reaching out to others. Ram Dass has told me many times that the grandest achievement of his life was taking care of his dad and stepmother during their last years.
Three of my kids were here with me in Hawaii when we got the news about Mom’s passing. The kids organized a Hawaiian-style ceremony for us. Sands, Sommer, Saje, Mira, and I put some candles and flowers on boogie boards and paddled out into the ocean at sunset. We went out about 100 yards from shore and formed a circle. Although it’s usually quite rough out there, this evening the water was totally calm.
“Grama’s at work here,” said Sands. Each of us shared a remembrance of Mom. After about half an hour, we let the flowers float on out to sea and paddled back in.
John Quincy Adams, 7th U.S. President, wrote this the day before he died: “John Quincy Adams is well, but the house in which he lives at the present time is becoming dilapidated. It’s tottering on its foundations. Time and the seasons have nearly destroyed it. Its roof is pretty well worn out. Its walls are much shattered and tremble with every wind. I think John Quincy Adams will have to move out of it soon. But he, himself, he himself is quite well, quite well.”
I can’t tell you how many conversations my mother and I had about death. We always talked very openly about it—never pretending that our bodies are not going to wear out and die. All that comes into the material world dematerializes—that’s just the nature of creation. Now Mother is free of all pain. She is in the mystery of all that we wonder about. Now she knows what’s on the other side. That is something we all will discover someday.
And so again, thank you for all the love you’ve sent to me and my family these past weeks. Thank you, Mom, for all your love. I love you always.
Topics: Dying, Hazel Dyer, Mother, Parents
Dear Dr. Dyer, I’m writing from California. The first time I heard you speak was in the mid 80s at the Marin Civic Center. Thank you for sharing about your mother. I send you love and healing thoughts. Blessings to you.
Bless you and yours Wayne!! I’ve cared for dying patients for the larger part of my 30 years of nursing. They teach me so much about Life and Death. I’ve known the blessing of being with many family members. What an honor. I feel somewhat like a mid-wife to the other side. May precious memories comfort all of you.
Hi, I’m maria cinquina from Rome. I came to your conference last year in Rome, and I made my wish, I’d like to get your book signed.
I live in Via Valle Muricana No. 815 Rome, Italy. it is possible that I have seen in Rome on September 5th?
Thanks for everything, I love you. You taught me a lot and I thank you for that.
Bye, see you soon.
Thank you for you beautiful insights. They are very comforting as we all all experience loss. Love to you and your family.
.Thanks for being there Dr Dyer to help unlocking the potential of millions to realize the the power within and making this world so much a better place to live and enjoy the festival called life God bless.
Dr Dyer your mother will always be remembered as the extra ordinary mother who gave an extra ordinarily gift to the world that is Dr Dyer.Life is not about longevity it is about being meaningful
I am sorry about your mom – I love the story about the ocean calming when you were out there. I know it was her as well. I have turned to your teachings so often when I feel confused, worried or just when I know I am not where I should be . I do know where I should be because of you. Thank you. Again so sorry for your loss.
Dr, Dyer, thank you for Wishes Fulfilled and the cd sets Balance, Extra Mile, and Inspiration. And thank you for sharing your mother’s story with us. May you all be comforted. Have you considered writing a book that makes A Course in Miracles more accessible?
Respected Dr. Dyer
God sent himself in the form of your mother to you and your family. Her mission & message of this Human experience is probably fulfilled, that is why she is back.She brought a worthy Son in the form of you, who is spreading guidance to millions of people in various ways. God bless her soul and give strength to your family.
I thank the universe to manifest through Mr. Dyer, for me it was a discovery spiritual teachings that have helped keep my mind peace of mind, please continue to transmit knowledge, your existence is a gift to all
I have been reading and listening and feeling so much hope and love from you. You are my greatest teacher. I have read so much and learn’t so much from your writings and teachings. Thank you again
I don’t know how to start. I am sending love to you and your family. My Mom is 89 and in pretty good health but I know that she will move on one day. I hope that I can meet you someday and I have learned so much from you throughout the year. you are my inspiration as is Skye and your other children. Thank you for being you. Love Angie
Sending my Love to you. Thank you so much for sharing your love with us.
God bless you wayne for all your inspirations that have helped millions of people around the world.You made your mom very proud mother for being you. Thank you for coming into my home via TV,my beautiful books that i cherish,I pray that someday I will meet you maybe 2013 when I visit HI.
I watched you on PBS tonight with my 12 year old son. The program ended & something told me to lie in the yard with him and look up at the stars. I knew something miraculous was going to happen & it did. We witnessed his 1st shooting star. For the 1st time in recovery I felt the presence of God. Your mom made you & you inspired us. Thank you & her.
I’m sure if there’s anyone who will handle this passing well, you will Wayne. I’m sure if your mum could she would thank you for preparing her for this event. Best wishes to your brother and sister-in-law and other family.
Dr. Dyer~ Thank You for using this public arena to spread Love, Peace, Kindness & Unity rather than using it to promote Hatred, Sabotage, & Self destruction as many often do.- “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called Children of God”~Matthew 5:9
Like the butterfly that in a very gentle way landed on your hand a while ago, so the spirit of your mother will be with you in every butterfly that crosses your path, reminding you of the beauty of her transformation, and of her eternal and infinite love for you.
Love, Consuelo
Forethought must be involved when choosing what to ‘do’ with one’s life. The outcome to family, the outcome to community, the outcome to the environment and the outcome to the world community must always be taken into consideration, does it not?
Is ‘doing what you love’ really the cornerstone of having abundance in your life? Those whose love is alcohol, war-for-profit, or banking fraud leave collateral damage in their wake. Each human must be careful of the desires they entertain. A lack of foresight can result in endeavors that are life-destructive.
LOVE ~~ LOVE ~~ LOVE My heartfelt condolences to you and your Family. I send My LOVE.
Having just recently seen your movie about your issues related to your father’s abandonment, and including your mother’s feelings about that subject, your message is very gentle as you have now laid her to rest as well. Bless you for the sharing of your life, in the manner that we have come to trust. Bless you as you bless us in sharing.
Thank you Wayne for sharing the passing of your Mother..I send you and your family love and light.
Where do we travel, let the mystery unravel, coming and going, like the seasons changing, with every step taken, with every breath inhaled. Life moves, forever and ever, and time and again. The rivers of change, flowing within and without, find the ocean of unmoving waves.
My prayers are with you and your family and God will be with her. I am quite a new follower in this blog and i would like to dedicate a short poem to your Mom. regards nitin
Dear Dr. Wayne, I have almost finished reading your book The Power of Intention. It has affirmed my thought process completely. A lot of miracles have happened in my life and your book has made me understand how they happened.
God bless Dr Dyer x
Peace and Love
May your family be blessed with the strength to bear the pain of your mom passing on…may the lil ceremony on the waters help her have a smooth and peaceful passage into her new world…Huge hug to you and your family…Rituu
The spirit of your mother will always be with you just like the spirit of my own mother is present in my heart for always. God bless you and your family. Suzanne
My prayers are with you and the family. It is hard for those left behind.
“Faith is the strength of the soul inside”
A mother can but guide,then step aside-I knew I could not say This is the way that you should go For I could not foresee what paths might beckon you to unimagined heights that I might never know Yet always in my heart I realized that you would touch a star I’m not surprised! by Hazel Irene Dyer
Those we hold most dear
never truly leave us…
they live on
in the kindnesses they showed,
the comfort they shared,
and the love
they brought into our lives.
all my love, Wayne…
Your work has helped me to understand a larger meaning of life and I thank you. I honor your mother’s life and her passing. Please accept my love to your family and all who knew her.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you PEACE at this time. Namaste!
Sorry to hear about your mom. Just getting up to date on Facebook.As we know mom’s are special and as they go on before us in body they are always with us in spirit to talk to and to comfort us, the same as God said “I will never leave you or forsake you and will be with you til the end of time” God bless you always.
My mother passed on July 14. I have always thought our mothers were much alike. They both died the way they wanted without pain and in their sleep. We had a ceremony much like yours. We each released some ashes from our hands into a river and sent a red rose after each. It was beautiful. I love you and you are in my prayers. <3
love this coment.
My heart and prayers are with you.
Thank you Dr. Dyer for sharing your sentiments and more importantly for sharing your beautiful mother with us. How proud she must be of all the wonderful things you have accomplished and of all the many lives you have affected. Her spirit and memory lives on and soon we will all be reunited. Peace, Love & Blessings to you and yours! 🙂
Sending healing energy to you and your family!
God bless all of you, transition from this life is always painful and sometimes beautiful as well as amazing. Thank you for sharing her and yourself with me. I copied what Jon Qunicy wrote about himself. So very true
Words cannot express. My heart and soul go out to You and your family. Namaste “I celebrate in you the place where we are all one. Our egos and life blind us to this. Thank you for all the eyes you have opened and Bless you!
I send you and your family all my love. Mother Dyer is with the I am that I am. So Magnificent!
This is absolutely beautiful. Aas a medium I particularly love the quote from John Quincy Adams. It speaks so beautifully of the duality of life and living. My goodness. Thankyou for sharing this, and special thoughts to you all.