Are You Smarter Than You Realize?
It’s all perfect…and so are you!

If you have come to believe you were shortchanged in the brains department, recognize how easily this can happen. Even if your parents were wise enough not to plant the seeds of self-doubt, you were probably enrolled in an educational system that assigned numbers to your intellectual capacity. A test gave you an IQ number to carry around for life. You developed a self-image based on what teachers, test scores, and academic performance indicated—you learned you were average at spelling, above average in art, but mentally challenged in mathematics. What you didn’t learn is that tests only measure how well you take tests! Soon you had a firm conviction that you just weren’t smart enough.
The fact is that since you’re a Divine creation who originated in the world of Spirit, you have exactly the right amount of smarts to accomplish all that you need and want to do while you’re here on earth. It’s all perfect…and so are you!
To me, a person like my son-in-law Joe, who can lay a beautiful hardwood floor and have it come out flawlessly, is a genius. Joe’s genius is displayed in his artistic sense—in that magnificent mind that arranges and positions the grain of the wood, leveling and sealing, with endless measurements and computations.
The fact is that since you’re a Divine creation who originated in the world of Spirit, you have exactly the right amount of smarts to accomplish all that you need and want to do while you’re here on earth.
You, too, have all the intelligence you need for anything that ignites your creative and problem-solving passion. Believe this about yourself and you’ll never say, “I’m not smart enough” again!
Dr. Wayne Dyer has written over 20 bestsellers on many spiritual topics, including making the shift to connect to Source, keeping the balance in your life, and bringing about your desires with the power of intention.
Topics: intelligence, Louise Hay, self-doubt
It all boils down to confidence! I remember being a child with no self esteem and it seems like it took so long to gain the self confidence needed to feel a part of rather than separate.
Thank you Dr. Dyer for sharing this story.
I have always felt “short changed” in the mathematics department. I don’t have a magnificent memory and that impaired my ability to do math…but I agree with what you say Dr. Wayne Dyer. Maybe I’m not here to do math, I must be here for another important reason and I just have to find that.
This blog speaks my story. I believed I was not smart after being held back a grade.I graduated at age 41. My teachers wanted me to become a teacher..ironic. Sense then I have become a human sponge thirsting for knowledge….my journey has lead me to you ……..Hello Dr. Wayne Dyer…so glad to have finally meet you.
thanks Dr.wayne dyer always believe in you……thanks soo much
It is Easter weekend in Australia, and after a long and tough week I feel great thanks to your wise words and beautiful voice. Thank you for being amazing 🙂
Thank you Dr. D 🙂
Love does not measure feelings
It just is
It attracts like a magnet
And serves as a miraculous glue
Of the subtle world
Allowing it to touch us
Unafraid of the shadows
Lurking in the underbrush …
(ABW 11/12/09)
Dr. Dyer, your words are so true! You’ve helped me a lot.
In Change Your Thghts, Change Your Life, as I read the 23rd verse which talks about being as flexible as a palm tree in the wind, the picture of a mother tiger protecting her cubs flashed into my mind. There is no bending or flexibility about a mother protecting her young from predators. How does that fit?
Dr.Dyer, thank you so much for sharing your insights and wisdom with us. I know somebody with the same childhood trauma and abuse experiences. the way to heal and thrive is to appreciate oneself and change what we can; to be the divine creatures we are meant to be;
God bless you and namaste
Hi my Dear,
Flow with stream to walk brightly on earth. Getting form of appreciation, receiving, and transition and separation from old vibration and stay in present moment and live in it but , these are cause me and put me in to the different stage of connectionHelp me please to feel and fully understand what is going on?
Dr. Dyer, I am so happy you’re doing a talk on Manifestation on Maui. That’s a quick 30 minute plane ride for me. I plan to be there. I’m fascinated by manifestation and the law of attraction.
I like your comment: you are a Divine creation who originated in the world of Spirit. It echoes the Renaissance teaching that we each have a spark of the Anima Mundi, the world soul in us. Or that we are in it. Nicholas of Cusa said we are all “the image of that single infinite Form” and that each creature exists in the way it could best be.
Hi Wayne,
On HHouse Radio you advised a caller who left an enraged person to send flowers & love to the abusive person. You said to ‘leave’ an enraged person is also an act of rage. If someone is verbally, or emotionally abusive – compassionate and loving their rage is part of all that is divine but staying physically present for more abuse?
Wayne, we haven’t heard anything about your health as of late. I know that you probably tire of mentioning it, but many of us see you as an inspiring person who manages whatever is “thrown his way.” Can you tell us all how you’re doing? We need to hear it to remember that you’re also one of us. . . one of ONE. Thank you and namaste!
Dr. Dyer, I’ve noticed that in the last year you’ve ceased mentioning the Tao as you had previous years. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the writings of Stephen Mitchell? Blessings.
You couldn’t have put it better. It is so true, I wish more everyone read this, I’m sure it would make many people feel better about themselves.
We assume we understand the human psyche and its potential when we use such rudimentary techniques to determine a person’s ability to function. We don’t. On a topic somewhat related to intelligence, I find it most inspiring that we, as humans, really understand nothing, and this holds true for our understanding of the mind as well. Namaste.
This is so important to know. Knowing this makes people discover their own unique talent and gifts. In Sikantis, the Society of Esteem, this is one of the base for a peaceful living together. Thanks, Dr. Dyer. Namaste.
I have dealt with this since grade school and High School. Girls could only take typing and shorthand. And I did not want to take that. Think I am related to Wayne Dyer by my second marriage. He looks exactly like my daughters dad.
Juliius Charles Hare once said, “Be what you are. This is the first step to becoming better than you are.” If we realize we come from smartness, we become smart and better. The Creator-Source is all-intelligent. To accept his creation (including ourselves) is an act of true wisdom. Thank you for the reminder, Dr. Dyer. Namaste!
I have dealt with this in my life as well. It’s amazing how much more of life opens up when we are able to change our beliefs about ourselves! Thanks Wayne! 🙂
That is so true! It doesn’t matter where you’ve grown, what is your IQ or wheather you are academically educated or not. All of us came to this world being exactly what we shoul be and every of us is gifted in something. What we should do is to find what is that gift. Thank your for reminding, Dr.Dyer! Love you 🙂
Dr. Dyer
Thanks for your wisdom
God Bless You
James Fontaine