Your Chosen Path
“Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.”
– Robert Frost
One of my favorite poets, Robert Frost, is the author of one of the world’s best-loved and most famous poems, “The Road Not Taken.” This poem about choosing an independent course applies in all areas of our lives. To me, Frost says be wary of following the pack, and don’t do anything simply because everyone else is doing it. Also, do what you do in the manner that you perceive it, regardless of how everyone is doing it, or has done it. The importance of choosing your own path is reflected in the poem’s conclusion—that taking the road “less traveled by” makes all the difference. Virtually all the people we revere took the road less traveled by, and that is why they were able to make a difference.
Frost himself was expected to be a farmer, lawyer, and then a teacher. He tried farming and left it. He entered law school to be the lawyer his grandfather wanted him to be, but departed almost immediately without notice. He left Harvard because of an illness, perhaps brought on by trying the road most traveled. But poetry was in his heart, and when he went down a road that few traveled with him, it made all the difference, and today we have his poetry because of that choice.
Frost’s poem invites you to forget peer pressure and instead know that if you truly want to make a difference in your life, you cannot do so by doing things the way everyone else does or because everyone else is. If you choose to lead your life just like everyone else, then what exactly is it that you have to offer? The road most traveled by is one that will allow you to fit in and feel accepted, but it will never allow you to make a difference.
In my own professional work I have been willing to speak and write about topics and ideas that were criticized by those on the more frequented road. In the beginning, the road I took was filled with potholes and gravel. Yet my work has always come from that place I trust most—my own heart—and so I persisted. As the years passed the road became paved and well-lit. Now many who once thought this was a preposterous path are walking with me. I have heard them say, “I used to think those ideas were insane, but now I really like what you were saying then.” I am happy to have experienced what Robert Frost was writing about.
Listen to your own heart concerning the path you wish to travel. Even if your entire life training has been in one direction, if it is not what you feel now, then begin the adventure of exploring a less-traveled road.
Topics: Peer Pressure, Robert Frost, The Road Not taken
Thank you Wayne for this post. It is a challenge to live life from the heart when we have spent our whole lives learning to live from our heads. It is scary, but invigorating like jumping into a waterfall pool. Thank you for shining your light on the unlit path.
I was one of those who thought this was a preposterous path, now I recognize it as a path of prosperity. Life has so much meaning when I live in contribution, fully aware of the choices I make and the power of my own thoughts and actions. Thank you Dr. Dyer for your courage in walking this path for so many years.
PS-I listened to this voice inside to share something with wayne…totally random. he shared with me…I googled his name and came here to see what he is all about because I did not realize he was so big…it was you I needed to share with….and you helped give me the greatest possible gift….ABSOLUTE KNOWING..seriously…
…..ironically William, it is I who must thank you. You have been an integral part of moving from believing we are part of something bigger to ABSOLUTE KNOWING… the series of coincidences are over the past month are surreal. thank you William.
Michelle, I have just now came back to this site due to an email letting me know a comment was posted. I just read all of your posts to me and my situation, and I want to thank you with all my heart as well as apologize for not checking back earlier to see all the love and respect you sent.
Thank you ao much
I read the post last week….see your comment William and defy my logic and listen to this intense push to post..hours later the flight changes path that day for a beautiful perspective..while the family member is reading a book on plane about changing path and a calling…then it just kept happening. YOU ARE a part of something much bigger.
the book the family member chose to read was seemingly random-atypical for the author about karma, a calling, and changing paths. There is too much for words-William. Why was my first ever post to you? Why am I posting now? No clue, following this intense feeling and sharing that you are a part of something much bigger..and you are not alone.
Hours after reading & posting to William, I picked up family from the airport-inter-island flight. For the first time in either of our experiences the pilot announced it was a beautiful day on our island and they received permission to change flight paths.she described the experience and the incredible beauty & different perspective of the island.
In my behavior counseling career peers criticized my treating inner conflicts because they invoved feelings that can’t be measured, but my success achieved acclaim & promotions. I now realize I’d been engaging our oneness connection through universal consciousness as True Being. My life’s mantra : to make a difference, become the difference.
William Do NOT dismiss Michelle’s comments. I do not know if Wayne Dyer has responded-but it does not matter. Michelle has. And that means the universe has. It just may look different than you expect. When Michelle says you matter, it is a message from the universe. Do not dismiss it and trust it will be worth hanging on.
William, god/source is within you… you have more in you than you may realize right now…. today I received another job offer…. I have a good job that pays well that I like…. but I am feeling pulled to walk away from both- to follow this calling…to sing to every person who has felt like you William- rainbows come from the rain
This 1 really hit home 4 me. It’s been a huge struggle to not let the pressures of someone else’s ideas, suggestions and path interfere with MY OWN PATH. I’m in the middle of finding my own fork in the road. Thank U for all your love, wisdom and kindness. I <3 You Wayne Dyer. Valerie
Growing up with an East Indian background, you were not good enough if you were not a doctor or an engineer. I have finally broken out of that way of thinking and realize I have value as a writer about psychiatry and spirituality. Beautifully inspiring blog!
……I have NEVER, EVER signed up for ANY blog…let alone respond. I have only checked out this one in the last couple of weeks. William, I have no idea what you are going through….I hope you find strength…dont give up before you recognize the miracle…and know that you have made a difference!
He is thanking you as much as he is thanking me. .your post inspired me to sign up for this website, to believe in you, and to sing like I have never sung before. I will keep believing in you. You inspire me to give back all that I have received. Mahalo
William, you inspired me to sing better, and it was evident to many-but most importantly to a man who wandered by our church and stopped by. I had never met him, but he highlighted words to the song-feeling like giving up, but then believing in ourselves and finding source of inner strength. He hugged me and thanked me what he needed today.
I committed to believe in you until you can believe in yourself. I sang a song at a church today as if I was singing it to William Porter. .it is a song about believing in ourselves. I dont know you, but I felt your words.
William Porter, In the last few weeks I have acted upon compelling feelings that were so strong I could not ignore them. There have been an inexplicable serious of coincidences that are beyond words. I thought I was checking out this site to see wayne dyers message and shared beliefs. The last couple of days it seems it was more about you.
The heart knows. Listen to its wisdom and music will play for the dance of life.
I know when someone trys to be diffrent from the others,he can be success.But you’r right.It may be difficult or has potholes on road.When I decided to lead my life by own,my family disagreed,but I passed all the resistance.I heard my heart,I try to find my way and pay for it.But I am here finally with beautifull feeling.I am living now.Thank you.
Just what I needed to read today. I made the decision to stop following that road less traveled because it is too hard, too lonely, too futile, been on it for too long with few crumbs to keep me on the right path. I’ve changed my mind. Maybe it’s just time to stop on the road less traveled for a little rest break. Thank you Dr. Dyer.
I want to let you know that whether or not Dr. Dyer responds to your email,you are worth setting up this account to send you this message. Please do not give up on yourself or your importance in this world. The greatest gifts in my life came as a result of the seemingly darker times. I will believe in you until you believe in yourself.
Dr dyer if anything at all you have helped me and I am grateful. Please read what I have to say in an email. I am asking you with all the strength I have left. I have nowhere else to turn.
Dr. Dwyer: I thought of you today and and all you have done, the books, the tapes, the PBS specials, and the radio show. I hope you are doing well and have many more books. Your words have been inspirational to me through the years.
Thank you.
Or as my granny used to say “If you follow like a sheep, be prepared to walk a shitty path”! Sometimes it is hard though to follow our own heart and path, especially when pushing our comfort zone (mine is marketing myself) and it takes a lot of time spend in meditation to find the courage to keep walking!
Earlier today I saw a picture of a forest where one path diverged into two. One path was wide, even and sunny. The other was narrow, led upwards, and had less sunlight. I found myself saying “and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. I’m at a crossroads … time for the road less traveled for me. Thanks, Wayne.
This posting brings my thoughts to the vulnerability of taking that road less traveled. The opposite of courage is not cowardice, but conformity. In our willingness to be our authentic selves, to be vulnerable and engage our courage, we allow ourselves to be most human, and thereby in deeper connection with those around us.
Thanks. I’ve been thinking & working on some life goals & they will require me to take the road less-traveled. Reading this blog, as well as What’s My Life Purpose?, has really helped bring clarity to my mind. You are an inspiration to me & my lady. Thank You so much for following your path, doing so allows ‘excuses to begone’ on my quest.
“Listen to your own heart”……so powerful and true! I truly believe that your heart will always lead you down the right path. Thank you! You are truly an inspiration!