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Remember Where You Came From

Before merging into form, we were a part of God, with all the inherent qualities of a Creator who sends forth abundance, creativity, love, peace, joy, and well-being. The spiritual dimension calls to us in this material world of beginnings and endings. When we listen and allow it to, Spirit guides us to something greater than our life as a physical being. When I let myself align with Spirit, I have a feeling of contentment, but more than this, I experience joy. I’m able to receive the vibrational energies of my Source—call them voices, messages, silent reminders, invisible suggestions, or what have you—they’re vibrations of energy. I’ve learned to get my “self” out of the way and remove resistance to the free flow of this spiritual energy.

Spirit doesn’t dwell on the impossibility of anything—that is, it doesn’t focus on not being able to create, on things not working out, on expecting the worst, or on being stuck in place. When I’m in-Spirit, I want my present moment and thoughts to align perfectly with what I desire to share. I want to offer an experience of inspiration to my audience, so I don’t give a speech thinking, I’ll probably disappoint them. I choose to think that if I stumble or forget something in the middle of my talk, the inspiration to get me through it will be there. When I sit down to write, my desire is to invite Spirit to express through me, and I encourage ideas to flow freely. I’m connected in-Spirit, expecting to be the instrument of my spiritual Source.

When we remember that we’re always connected to Source, we can summon the well-being of God. Each and every one of us represents God or Spirit revealing Itself here on our planet. Experiences of being in-Spirit are available to all of us. Remember that your life is bigger than you are. Dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. You can begin by committing to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledged or thanked. For example, before I begin my daily routine, I go to my desk and choose my gift for that day. Sometimes, it’s just a phone call to a stranger who’s written to me, or perhaps I order flowers or send a book or present to someone who has helped me in a local store. It doesn’t matter if this activity is big or small—it’s a way to begin the day in-Spirit. Make a silent dedication to encourage and express your Divine nature.



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Julia says:

hi Mr.dyer.I have many respect for you,I like speak with you I have many gusetions about myself that why born.why breath . please answer me? God bless you .

Odilia Carmen says:

I am kind of left behind with all you wrote and recorded. But I am reading and listening to everything I can find. Enjoying your words and thoughts filled with blessing. You bring light to my life! You are in my thoughts and prayers as well as in the prayers of so many other souls to whom you touched the hearts.

Gerilyn Bielakiewicz says:

Truly enjoyed your lecture in Boston.David Little, a homeopath who use to live on Maui but now lives in India (Nepal) is thought to be truly exceptional and may be able to help you heal yourself. The principles of homeopathy fit so perfectly with your outlook on life, if anyone
can think himself well it’s you! Thank you for your inspiration !

Dennis says:

Everything you don’t want IS in jeopardy. Everything you do want IS a possibility.

Dennis says:

A Course in Miracles says, “You cannot lose anything unless you do not value it, and therefore do not want it.” It must also be true, then, that you cannot HAVE anything UNLESS you somehow value it. Even if you say you don’t want a certain condition or thing, insisting it is true is a form of valuing.

Carol says:

We are all called do something special with our lives, & to share our experience, strength, & hope with one another. Remember life is short & that with attachments to material things there is no u haul to the graveyard. Peace

Patti B says:

Spirit has led me right to you. Adding up ALL the weird happenings, I have to discount that they are coincidences! Wonderful light is just being poured into my life daily, your words just echo thru out my day.

Patti B says:

Encouragement fills the voids, generosity and kindness to others is abounding, in turn everywhere people are treating me so good & my awareness of it is astounding. Namaste

Alina says:

Since every day is a gift, Dr. Dyer, your idea of giving a gift a gift creates an abundance of gifts and keeps them flowing. As always, here is an inspired post from an inspired person who allows his inspiration to flow freely and abundantly. Love, peace and joy 🙂

Donna says:

Clearing the noise in my mind really clears my mind, so that I can hear God. I have learned so much about ego from Ram Dass, and now feel like my ego is not connected to me. This also helps me to listen to God. I have learned from you that God is a loving caring light, that only can bring love. Namaste

Janet Pfeiffer, The Secret Side of Anger says:

I believe we are all called to a higher purpose. When I am In Spirit, my focus is to be who God created me to be and live my life in a way that pleases him/her. There is no greater joy in life than to serve one another with no thought of getting paid back. My life is not about making money. My life is about making a difference. Peace.

Kyle Beckwermert says:

“Not only did you come from a source that determined the shape of your eye or the color of your skin, but you also came from a Source that also had a great idea of who you should be as well” —Wayne

Man that feels good to hear.

angela says:

Reconnecting with self and source was the only way I was able to move beyond domestic violence, thrive, evolve and grow. I now dedicate my life to helping others through a program I teach at Harmonic Health. I am blessed to watch others evolve through reconnecting with self/source. Thanks for the continued inspiration and company on the journey.

Habiba says:

When I heard you are “excited about the prospect of dealing with” your diagnosis, it spoke worlds to me… What a blessing you are to all of us, helping us remember where we all came from! May you be blessed in kind, with deep love, true peace, powerful insight, and complete healing. In gratitude for who you are and the gifts you bring,

Kimberly says:

Thank you for this truly wonderful post. I am going through a difficult time and questioning everything about myself. I believe we all represent Spirit, as you say, but have been so down I have been wondering if that includes me, too. Reading this made me feel a little better. I will reread it daily until I really and truly embrace it!

Nealon says:

Our hearts are with you. You have been blessed to be given the opportunity to truly show the world how to heal. You have inspired me to move forward with my passion. I know you will pull through this and know that you have the love of millions sending healing energy at you.

Mary says:

Thank you for yet another inspirational blog. You are one of my greatest mentors. Coincidently, I thought of you today when I saw this quote:

“Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.” -Hans Margolius

NAIRA says:

Thank You!!!! One day I will thank you in person for the continuous inspiration and joy you bring to my life through your consistent connection through Spirit. Your ability to communicate and bring into our awareness all the things we tend to forget is empowereing and life affirming. I Thank you with much love and appreciation!!!!
Shmile 🙂

Heidi says:

Wow. It is amazing how my stresses become illuminated when I remember the spirit connection. Thank You. Also, thanks for your message to the audience in Phoenix last week. Your closing comments about free will brought me to a new level of understanding. You pump me up!