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You Are Worthy

Have you ever tried to pay someone a compliment and seen them embarrassed, confused, or even somewhat irked at your offering of kindness, love, and admiration? Or maybe, you have been on the receiving end and found yourself uncomfortable and unable to respond with gratitude and grace. This everyday example of the difficulties that can arise when we are offered a gift reveals one of the important principles of learning how to receive the abundance that the Universe holds for us. In order to manifest, to take part in the process of co-creating your life and attracting to yourself the objects of your heart’s desires, you must know that you are worthy of receiving. Manifesting involves using the power of your inner world to craft a fuller relationship with life. You can remind yourself all day long that the same power that brought anything into the physical world also brought you, but if you do not feel worthy, you will disrupt the natural flow of energy into your life and create a blockage that makes manifestation impossible. Remember that you are worthy of abundance. Feeling worthy of any blessings or desires is a feature of your inner life. Here are the major perceptions of those who know they are worthy and deserving of all of God’s blessings:

  • My self-esteem comes from myself. (As a child of God, my worthiness is a given.)
  • I accept myself without complaint and without conditions.
  • I take full responsibility for my life and what it is and is not. (I blame no one.)
  • I do not choose to accept guilt into my life. (I live in the present moment.)
  • I understand the importance of having harmony between my thoughts, my feelings, and my behavior. (This harmony translates into peace and contentment.)

There is nothing your highest self wants more than peace. This peace makes you feel worthy of all of the richest blessings of the Universe, and when you radiate this out into the world, it is returned to you without fail.

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Adelina says:

i needed to be reminded of it- thanks a lot for your wise thoughts!, Dr. Wayne

Nancy says:

Radiation of PEACE is a most beautiful thing…walk down the street and smile to someone and see the reactions you may cause. Give compliments with sincerity and honesty, they will go a long way!

aveMaria says:

i needed this right now!

Firdosh says:

Dear Dr.Wyne – I learn a lot from your books and the best part also of this article is taking the full responsibility of what ever is happening to me in my life. It is also because of me and my actions. To improve the same i am living in the NOW which will be the future.

Claire bear says:

Wayne, thank you, thank you, thank you from me and all here and in heaven. Sending you that same peace back (a hundred fold), namaste (a hundred hold), have a grat day, as my Dad would say YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON, namaste

Anu Radha says:

Dear Dr Wyne – You heal me everyday by your words. Any plans to conduct workshop in India? Your wisdom creates an insight to look within myself better. Love. Anu Radha

Joshua says:

We are all luminous beings.

jorgetta says:

thank you very much Dr, Dyer, this is very true. U are a man of great wisdom!

MariaJosep says:

Muchisimas gracias por ayudarme a creer eso que tantas veces pongo en duda: Me too, I am Worthy. Thanks for being such a wonderful person, Dr. Dyer. NAMASTE.

Raquel says:

Thank you so much!!

Colette says:

Wayne: HUGE HUG TO YOU TODAY! You mentioned on the radio yesterday that you needed “a new best friend” and to be reminded of the butterfly stories and your friend, Jack. So glad what you needed showed up on the program. God Bless you! I shall always be grateful for your work.
Colette Norris, Carmel, California

Ken says:

You can’t reach the complex,
With the simple.
You can’t reach the simple,
With the complex.
But you can reach the dead,
With the simple, complexity of love.

Dr, Dyer you reach us all with your love, thak you.

Namaste, Ken

Wendy says:

Doc – I am trackin that!!! Just made it through a year of chemo and surgery for Ewing’s Sarcoma. Not ever, ever, ever ONCE did I ask, ‘Why me?’ I knew it was so much more than an illess; it was never about the cancer — but rather my journey through it. Wow. I just may write an article or two about it. Thanks, my friend. You are wonderful.

Deborah Budak Charleston says:

My prayers to you for making this more clearer to me! Sometimes these ideas are jumbled and we need to hear them again.I believe we are kindred spirits and you my spiritual family-I know this in my heart.I hope to see you in Tampa.

patricia says:

thank you wayne… i love u… i hope someday to be able to tell you in person…

Penny says:

🙂 Thank you….am I a broken record? maybe, but I do love you!



George says:

We do need to love ourselves first so we feel we are worthy. Thank you for this and all you do for your readers.

– George Bryant at the Notes On Enlightenment – Finding God On the Train Blog

Joseph Wadas says:

Every one has his/her own song to sing that can be sung by no one else. The failure to acknowledge, be grateful, and develop our gifts is almost an insult to the Giver of the gifts, the Creator. Think how muted the morning would be if the only birds to sing were the ones who thought they sang the best. Namaste.

Mucunda says:


francesca says:

Not long ago I was a very different person, without self-esteem and feeling guilty. Nowadays I struggle everyday to remember that I am worthy, not to complain, and to live in the present moment. Sometimes I forget it and fall into my old mental schemes. once again, Dr. Dyer, thanks for reminding me, how to live in harmony.

Denise says:

. Thank you, Dr. Dyer and Namaste’

Kathleen Ingrim says:

We are all looking for inspiration and validation from other’s.Thanks to Dr. Dyer for pointing out that it begins first with God…within us, he has created all the inspiration one needs to create a life filled with an abundance of love and good spirit.

parvin says:

Every one needs time to reach this concept. Some need more time, and some need less time, it depends on their potential. We should be as patient as nature.

parvin says:

You have to experience many things, and pass through childhood, youth, middle age, to gain a concept of being a complete human being. How do you claim you know what a teenager feels, or a middle-aged person thinks. It is easy to lecture or publish a book about the best ways to release the stress and be independent from your surroundings.

Joshua says:

The most amazing thing I can think of occurs in all of us and probably most complex life forms, and that is consciousness. I would encourage anyone to study the work of Stuart Hameroff. It is fascinating. As always, you have put me at peace Dr. Dyer!

Renee says:

I know my higher self wants peace, because when I finally asked for it I got it. I’m grateful that my higher self and I are in agreement on this. And it is my proof that I am worthy and deserving of all God’s blessing.

Lisa says:

I believe that we are guided towards the souls that will take us to the next level and Mr. Dyer you are taking me to the next level. “You are Worthy” sang to my heart and soul so deeply I began to cry tears of joy and felt that Aha moment blanket my body. Mahalo

Valerie Curcuro, Life Coach says:

Everyone of of us deserves the peace that comes from self acceptance, the challenge is crossing the chasm between what we know intellectually and what we feel. Rewriting negative scrips is a process that’s made easier when we make the journey with a guide who has already made the trip.

bhakti says:

Amazing article n so true! i really needed to hear this now! Thank you so much for sharing, Dr. Wayne Dyer! 😀